Search found 234 matches
- Thu Dec 17, 2020 10:50 am
- Forum: General Age of Valor Discussion
- Topic: VOTE! once a day, only takes a minute, maybe less
- Replies: 60
- Views: 157664
VOTE! once a day, only takes a minute, maybe less
<r>each of the others are owned by UO evolution and they are super corrupt with their lists, its almost not worth voting on lol.<br/> <br/> <COLOR color="#888888"><s>[color=#888888]</s><SIZE size="85"><s>[size=85]</s>Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:163, old post ID:39642<e>[/size]</e></SIZE><e...
- Mon Dec 14, 2020 6:22 pm
- Forum: General Age of Valor Discussion
- Topic: Skull of Elements?
- Replies: 10
- Views: 24646
Skull of Elements?
<r>sounds like a plan to me lol. there's a lot of stuff in this server I miss. very happy to have some renewed motivation to play.<br/> <br/> <COLOR color="#888888"><s>[color=#888888]</s><SIZE size="85"><s>[size=85]</s>Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6853, old post ID:39614<e>[/size]</e></SIZE...
- Mon Dec 14, 2020 6:00 pm
- Forum: General Age of Valor Discussion
- Topic: Skull of Elements?
- Replies: 10
- Views: 24646
Skull of Elements?
<r>that halberd is a fantastic arty and I would very much enjoy doing that boss more frequently if possible. whether the original way or through the Demi palace.<br/> <br/> <COLOR color="#888888"><s>[color=#888888]</s><SIZE size="85"><s>[size=85]</s>Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6853, old po...
- Mon Dec 14, 2020 5:43 pm
- Forum: General Age of Valor Discussion
- Topic: Skull of Elements?
- Replies: 10
- Views: 24646
Skull of Elements?
<r>I don't entirely remember the use of that skull but I do know it dropped that super broken halberd with 100 of 2 hit areas I think or something close to that lol.<br/> <br/> <COLOR color="#888888"><s>[color=#888888]</s><SIZE size="85"><s>[size=85]</s>Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6853, ol...
- Mon Dec 14, 2020 5:42 pm
- Forum: General Age of Valor Discussion
- Topic: Mining BOD system?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 13236
Mining BOD system?
its in the blacksmith bods, just misspoke 
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6852, old post ID:39608

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6852, old post ID:39608
- Mon Dec 14, 2020 4:16 pm
- Forum: Suggestions and Bug Reports
- Topic: TC1 Public
- Replies: 3
- Views: 54866
TC1 Public
red took it down since it was never used lol
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6851, old post ID:39604
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6851, old post ID:39604
- Mon Dec 14, 2020 2:35 pm
- Forum: Suggestions and Bug Reports
- Topic: Due to the stagnent nature of shard...
- Replies: 30
- Views: 68263
Due to the stagnent nature of shard...
any chance to have axes reverted to not having uses so you can lumberjack in peace 
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39600

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39600
- Mon Dec 14, 2020 2:31 pm
- Forum: Suggestions and Bug Reports
- Topic: Pet Vendor
- Replies: 4
- Views: 13154
Pet Vendor
<r>pet statues and getting random values would probably be the easiest route no? seems best for me... could I suggest this be a higher priced deal and when you crack they are insta bonded? like in the millions gold range for good stuff like cu/greater/custom mob. that way it justifies being bonded.<...
- Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:49 pm
- Forum: Suggestions and Bug Reports
- Topic: Connecting
- Replies: 3
- Views: 11034
Having an increasingly difficult time connecting to the server and logging in and out.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6843, old post ID:39565
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6843, old post ID:39565
- Tue Dec 08, 2020 4:01 pm
- Forum: Patch Notes and Upcomming Content
- Topic: Nov 2 2020 - Misc quality of life update
- Replies: 13
- Views: 139498
Nov 2 2020 - Misc quality of life update
<r>figure I can keep this here in the thread, is there anyway to re-add some of the old lost tame ables? like the super good 1slot yoshis with high resists or if memory serves me correctly there was a crystalline dragon tamable with super duper hp for tanking. I know at some point we even had like p...
- Tue Dec 08, 2020 3:12 pm
- Forum: Gauntlet Mall
- Topic: Anyone farming those ToTs?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 8369
Anyone farming those ToTs?
you really don't have one lying around? I might have one on a character somewhere
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6842, old post ID:39563
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6842, old post ID:39563
- Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:38 pm
- Forum: General Age of Valor Discussion
- Topic: Question For people that still return to check
- Replies: 8
- Views: 18135
Question For people that still return to check
<r>Done 95% of the work but, disgraced the server name. the systems. ruined your own reputation to where no one will play a server you release due to your constant cheating, selling of GM accounts. i could go on. should be banned off the forums so we dont need to see that shitty username again.<br/>...
- Mon Nov 30, 2020 4:30 pm
- Forum: Patch Notes and Upcomming Content
- Topic: Nov 2 2020 - Misc quality of life update
- Replies: 13
- Views: 139498
Nov 2 2020 - Misc quality of life update
<r>could you add a pentagram or something into luna, or you could just put a uh focus onto a gold stone vendor type of deal for x amount of gold.<br/> <br/> <br/> also re-add soulstones and such.<br/> <br/> <COLOR color="#888888"><s>[color=#888888]</s><SIZE size="85"><s>[size=85]</s>Archived topic f...
- Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:13 pm
- Forum: General Age of Valor Discussion
- Topic: AOV Veteran Questions
- Replies: 4
- Views: 12417
AOV Veteran Questions
<r>a lil over 13 years ago<br/> <br/> I think changing anything is fine at the moment<br/> <br/> I dont have to many AOV gifts i even remember at this point. its just been so long and i was too young lol. I did love the sith lord stuff thats been converted to pirates<br/> <br/> not opposed to any of...
- Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:30 pm
- Forum: Suggestions and Bug Reports
- Topic: Due to the stagnent nature of shard...
- Replies: 30
- Views: 68263
Due to the stagnent nature of shard...
<r>For the resource gathering delay, would that mean that its just simply infinite veins? also, said in shoutbox but will also put here, can we increase the vendor range for buy/sell and general use?<br/> <br/> <br/> Figured i should edit rather than continuously comment everytime i get an idea or s...
- Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:39 am
- Forum: Suggestions and Bug Reports
- Topic: Due to the stagnent nature of shard...
- Replies: 30
- Views: 68263
Due to the stagnent nature of shard...
<r>If you're going the route of extra control slots be very wary imo. I know this server still has more advanced AI than most but a tamer with 9 slots would be pretty incredible to play and would make soloing things pretty easy in my opinion. I think 7 slots would be a really nice spot maybe +1 per ...
- Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:34 am
- Forum: General Age of Valor Discussion
- Topic: Inquiries of a solo player
- Replies: 11
- Views: 25734
Inquiries of a solo player
<r>That does sounds pretty cool, if i remember correctly the blood one had some weird spawning mechanism as well no?<br/> <br/> <COLOR color="#888888"><s>[color=#888888]</s><SIZE size="85"><s>[size=85]</s>Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6810, old post ID:39449<e>[/size]</e></SIZE><e>[/color]</...
- Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:35 am
- Forum: General Age of Valor Discussion
- Topic: Inquiries of a solo player
- Replies: 11
- Views: 25734
Inquiries of a solo player
<r>Mostly to be able to build much easier to play templates in order to get over the power creep of most bosses on the server. Personally could probably get away with dualboxing and soloing most if not all things at 720 but for ease of play i think 10x would be very beneficial to just play 1 charact...
- Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:36 pm
- Forum: General Age of Valor Discussion
- Topic: Inquiries of a solo player
- Replies: 11
- Views: 25734
Inquiries of a solo player
<r>Figured i'd make this more formal than just the shoutbox.<br/> <br/> Could we possibly change a few things considering the lack of population on the server? Maybe look towards lowering the AoA timer to 4-8 hours instead of the current 12-24<br/> <br/> Changing the skill cap from 720 to 10x <br/> ...
- Sat Mar 24, 2018 11:00 am
- Forum: General Age of Valor Discussion
- Topic: How many of you would actually enjoy a shard wipe?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 24842
How many of you would actually enjoy a shard wipe?
<r>I would absolutely enjoy a shard wipe with out without the server update however, if you wipe with the updated core even without adverts and whatnot just throw up the vote sites put us on and be updated for the newer clients i think it would be more than enough. even upkeep itself woul...
- Thu Feb 15, 2018 5:28 pm
- Forum: General Age of Valor Discussion
- Topic: Recent patch
- Replies: 3
- Views: 16439
Recent patch
<r>Were there changes to Dreadhorn that were undocumented? I know I asked a long long while back about it as its nearly impossible to solo and with the state of the server soloing is just about all you can do lol. Was just curious if he was changed, i remember there was some bug with him just can't ...
- Thu Feb 01, 2018 9:57 pm
- Forum: Suggestions and Bug Reports
- Topic: Luna NPC
- Replies: 3
- Views: 17391
Luna NPC
actually all my characters on my accounts are gone lol
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6739, old post ID:39196
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6739, old post ID:39196
- Thu Feb 01, 2018 12:01 pm
- Forum: Suggestions and Bug Reports
- Topic: Luna NPC
- Replies: 3
- Views: 17391
Luna NPC
<r>Luna is legit a ghost town lmao. I think they must've been somehow deleted or the XML spawning isn't working correctly? not sure which system you guys have.<br/> <br/> <COLOR color="#888888"><s>[color=#888888]</s><SIZE size="85"><s>[size=85]</s>Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6739, old post...
- Sat Jul 08, 2017 8:49 am
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Hello?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 17830
<r><QUOTE author="ggkthx"><s>[quote=ggkthx]</s>No, you're talking to YOUR self.<br/> <br/> <br/> <URL url=""><s>[url=]</s><IMG src=""><s>[img]</s>
- Fri Jul 07, 2017 4:57 pm
- Forum: Suggestions and Bug Reports
- Topic: Casting Bug
- Replies: 19
- Views: 45354
Casting Bug
<r><QUOTE author="Red Squirrel"><s>[quote=Red Squirrel]</s><QUOTE author="ggkthx"><s>[quote=ggkthx]</s>I'm not noticing an issue with casting right now, that I can tell.<br/> But I am seeing intermittent server freezes of 20 sec or so.<br/> It's like I'm lagging, except nothing around me moves or ha...