How many of you would actually enjoy a shard wipe?

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Red Squirrel
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How many of you would actually enjoy a shard wipe?

Post by Red Squirrel »

I have no plans to do this, just curious.

I'm just curious how many of you would actually be in favour if we were to do a shard wipe. I have no plans to do it, but if everyone actually IS for it, it may cause me to change my mind, and think about it. But don't hold your breath. I've always told myself I want, even a 10+ year vet to be able to show up randomly, and still have their stuff. I always wanted accounts/chars to be permanent and don't really plan to change this.

If I was to do it, I would probably do it in such a way that all houses and items stay, but all characters are deleted, and those houses are not linked to anyone. Your accounts would continue to exist but be empty. So basically stuff like donation points and account age etc would stay, but you'd have to start your characters from scratch. Houses would eventually go idoc so it would at least keep some items in the market. Or maybe I would delete those too, not yet sure.

Mostly just posting this to start some discussion. It's been dead here.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6752, old post ID:39240
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How many of you would actually enjoy a shard wipe?

Post by Death »

There would have to be a major benefit in doing so, I personally vote no as I don't see a reason behind it.

I can only see a shard wipe being useful if it involved a complete revision of the core to bring us up to speed with a modern client patch and several expansions worth of content (Stygian Abyss, High Seas, Time of Legends) in addition to bringing in the best systems that are custom to AOV. Even then, you would still have to upkeep, advertise, etc for a 20 year old game that has many competitors (other UO free shards and other games which are more modern/popular). Speaking logically, it is unlikely to appeal.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6752, old post ID:39241
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How many of you would actually enjoy a shard wipe?

Post by Shanks »

I would absolutely enjoy a shard wipe with out without the server update however, if you wipe with the updated core even without adverts and whatnot just throw up the vote sites put us on and be updated for the newer clients i think it would be more than enough. even upkeep itself wouldn't be so horrid considering the amount of custom content on AoV.

All in all, you probably shouldn't wipe unless the server is updated, right now it serves a nostalgic purpose. People login see all the old characters and all their old stuff play for a bit and get off.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6752, old post ID:39248
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Red Squirrel
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How many of you would actually enjoy a shard wipe?

Post by Red Squirrel »

Shanks wrote:right now it serves a nostalgic purpose. People login see all the old characters and all their old stuff play for a bit and get off.
That's pretty much my primary reason for keeping it around as is too.

I like the idea that even someone that has not been here since the start can still login and have access to their characters etc.

So many shards do end up going through wipes, either by accident because of poor backup regime, or on purpose, or whatever.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6752, old post ID:39249
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Lumpy Pickle
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How many of you would actually enjoy a shard wipe?

Post by Lumpy Pickle »

please no i will loose all my deco and my hoard will be gone!

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6752, old post ID:39256
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How many of you would actually enjoy a shard wipe?

Post by Daelan »

Well I just popped in to take a peek around as I do from time to time. One of my houses is now gone that I have been refreshing(the one on the south side of the jap server) So all my rares I had stored there including 3 or 4 skill holders those I miss the most.
House was owned by suMYoungHOE if you can pop it back into place Id love that.
Grumble Grump

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6752, old post ID:39263
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How many of you would actually enjoy a shard wipe?

Post by Ixxie »

i would cry a big damn river.

and make bubs get me new stuff. because i can't be arsed to do it myself.

but in reality if i ever find time to actually play again i'd probably just GTF over it and reacquire new stuff again.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6752, old post ID:39264
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How many of you would actually enjoy a shard wipe?

Post by ggkthx »

If I could keep what my chars are wearing/carrying and what's in their bank I'd be all for it!
I just don't think I'd have the time or interest to play again if I had to make characters and farm gear and scrolls etc again. :( Probably not even if it somehow made people come play again. Which really probably only needs a server that can use the current client. Can't ever get people just browsing for a server to play on without that.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6752, old post ID:39324
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