Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

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Red Squirrel
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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Red Squirrel »

Looking for suggestions to improve it for single/low player gameplay, without making stuff TOO easy for if it does happen to gain traction again.

Essentially I'm open to anything and it will give us ideas. I don't promise anything as we don't really do much coding for the shard these days, but stuff that's fairly easy to do I may actually decide to implement.

And rest assured, whatever does happen I don't have any plans to shut it down, as it really does not cost me anything to run it.

Suggestion List (Ongoing):

- *DONE* Reduce the weight of gold to 1/5th

- *DONE* Increase house decay timer

- *DONE* Increase base drop rate for larger encounters such as peerless, champions and other bosses (gauntlet, navrey).

- *DONE* Reduce power of bosses OR add more helper NPCs that can actually help fight

- *DONE* More tamer/summon slots. Possibly 6 as it's most easily divisible to allow for unique combinations.

- *DONE* More total skill points or alternatives to improve the amount of skills in templates

- Make talismans more accessible, most likely through quests. Harder quests would drop higher level protection/killer talismans which would improve a player's ability to solo things. Talismans could also have better passive/activated abilities such as protection/resistance against certain spells or better familiars.

- Add more spawned structures around the world that serve as mini bosses or encounters. Some ideas involve outposts, mini boss battles, gypsy tents, special vendors such as black markets, etc.

- Add trading posts that would allow players to trade items for other items. For example, you could trade artifacts in for raw materials like boards/ingots or trade in raw materials for artifacts/gear. This could work similar to a collection system where you simply drop items into a "recycle bin" at the trading post which rewards you with points you can use to redeem other items by speaking to the NPC at the trading post. This would effectively be like our version of clean up Britannia

- Improve the quest system/revamp dungeons. Completing quests or tasks around dungeons would reward you points that can be used to obtain special rewards. Dungeon revamps would allow us to create new arena style solo mini-bosses/peerless and bring a little bit something for everyone (new stealables, pets, puzzles, etc)

- *DONE* Remove resource gathering delays

- *DONE* Look into extending min/max of resource veins and % chance of changing resource type

- *DONE* Increase distance to be able to get into bank/buy from vendors.

- Amalgamate community collections, bank boxes to be account based and not player based.

- Special events that give a sort of enhancement (additional tamer slot, special overcapped weapons/armor, unique items)

- *DONE* Tone down bosses in power/HP. Possibly increase rewards/difficulty based on players

- Options for different hireable NPCs to help players during battle, even giving the option to "suit them up" with spare gear

- More community collection type systems that players can contribute to build the world such as fix ruins, build bridges, add public moongates/stuff at towns

- *DONE* Higher spawn rates for fishing sea serpents/getting nets and MIBs and such.

- *DONE* Make lower level treasure maps (and treasure maps in general), worth doing

- Add missing vet rewards

- More seeds and plants with rare/exotic hues. Add in the missing OSI seeds such as cocoa, coffee, vanilla, etc. Perhaps allow farming of crops such as carrots, cabbage, etc. Have some rare seeds spawn around the world, possibly from fishing or lumberjack trees

- *DONE* Endless water pitcher (endless decanter of water). https://www.uoguide.com/Endless_Decanter_of_Water

- More profession type BOD quests and rewards. Perhaps tie this more into the quest system instead of bulk orders. Could have quests for gardeners, miners, fishing, cooking, etc.

- *DONE* 1 slot EVs, or possibly allow 3 EVs by expanding the pet/summon slots to 6

- *DONE* Increase success chance at smelting for all ores. I have 110 mining and still fail smelting bronze from time to time. It's frustrating.

- Add in the stone walls and stairs to the stonecrafting menu that OSI added in several years back. Building a valorite castle would be a lengthy and enjoyable process, for me at least. Not sure how involved this would be though, and I know there isn't much time being lent to the shard.

- Incorporate premade scripts/packages from other players or developers to speed up some development and get some systems in game (mysticism, imbuing, engines, etc).

- *DONE* Re-introduce mining 120 scrolls or better skill bonus items like +10/20 mining gloves or fishing gloves/poles and axes.

- *DONE* Increase skill cap to 720/730

- Add a wiki or in game lookup/help system to inform players of custom things like AOAs, etc.

- Can you re-add some of the old lost tame ables? like the super good 1slot yoshis with high resists or if memory serves me correctly there was a crystalline dragon tamable with super duper hp for tanking. I know at some point we even had like prepatched AW's with 3/5 control slots or something I think or 5/5 even idr entirely

- Lower AoA modifier timer to 12-16 hours?

- Remove charges/uses from axes.

(there may be more things in this list to be considered but for now considering the simpler/easier stuff to implement)

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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Death »

Personally, I would say anything that would allow to solo given enough time and preparation. If more players join, it would get done quicker and possibly drop more rewards to go around.

Maybe expand the hire able NPCs or familiars on talismans to provide some additional benefit. I am also not adverse to increasing the cap on the protection bonuses of talismans over the 60% with some additional rarity.

I see a lot of potential in quests or mini bosses/bite sized encounters but not sure how players feel about them or if they are too grindy. There would need to be some added incentive to quests outside the system currently in place (as the rewards are the sux).

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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Daelan »

Some well most all NPCs are pretty wimpy.
On a Shard I played on many years ago we had a special event (there was 5 or so on at one time very much like a family we all were) But after the event we all got an advancement in one thing, I got +2 slots to my tamer was nice I ran around with 3 of those 3 tail foxes was fun doing that but tuffer things was still too hard.

Some of the tanks got some crazy armor that took them over 70 in some slots.
Faster swinging swords were like 2 hits instead of one. Odd things like that.
I have multi screens (4) and I can run 2 accounts at once but that can get ulgy fast but still fun.
I made a fun ass Ninja that can steal, Stealthed all over the Dungeons killing and stealing stuff for giggles.

Did someone read my sign on suMYoungHOE's castle sign "All I want for christmas is 2 more slots for my tamer." LOL
Daelan Darganel is my tamer hint hint I will sent squirle Porn if ya do.


Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39445
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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Red Squirrel »

I was thinking hireables too. The deathblade summoners were kinda that idea, though they're really tricky to use as the NPC itself is wimpy but if it manages to summon the death blade you're pretty much set to kill a boss. Could expand on that idea. Don't want to make it TOO easy either, and it also needs to be balanced in a way that if by chance there was a group then it's not too overpowered. So still need to somewhat balance things.

I'm thinking more special hireables, and they only spawn seldomly so in a situation where there happens to be lot of players on it would just be hard for everyone to get one.

Could also make it quest based where you need to do a quest to get the hireable NPC. The NPC could even be a temporary pet. Like you help an NPC get something and gives you a token that lets you summon something. Different ways we could do it.

I don't even remember where the deathblade summoners are but they do spawn right now. I think they are in some towns with other NPCs. You may need to do some escort quests to get them to spawn. I honestly don't remember how I had those setup.

As a side note, just had a random thought, I need to make it possible to give weapons and armor to NPCs that you control. You could potentially suit up an NPC with spare armor. It would drop when the NPC dies. (would need to make sure insurance does not work for NPCs)

Could tone down some of the bosses too, mostly lower HP and make sure none of the attacks are 1 hit kill.

Adding more tamer slots could be a possibility too... maybe could make it a perk of having over 100 taming. 1 slot added for each 5 points over, or something. I can also tie it to the donation system, submit squirrel porn, get 1 extra slot. :P

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39446
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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Shanks »

If you're going the route of extra control slots be very wary imo. I know this server still has more advanced AI than most but a tamer with 9 slots would be pretty incredible to play and would make soloing things pretty easy in my opinion. I think 7 slots would be a really nice spot maybe +1 per 10 points or make it to where its a gold sink style of thing so you have to invest in playing to get the gold to make the char able to do the big bosses. +1 for 10 points and then 5m for the deed to activate the control slot? something of that accord possibly. I dont know of many mobs that 1 shot back in the day besides the fire demi. that thing was insane lol

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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Death »

I always thought the total pet/summon slots should have been 6 instead of 5 to allow the most flexibility with pets/summons and allow you to make some interesting combinations such as a 4-slot pet + 2-slot pet or a 3-slot pet + 2-slot pet + a mount.

On a side note, gauging to see if there would be more interest in collection type systems that reward progress over time in lieu of random chance.

Random chance would be: Kill boss X amount of times, hope for it to drop what you want. If you're lucky you get what you want right away but sometimes you're waiting a longer time for drops. Random chance can also be similar to tots or gauntlet where your percentage chance goes up until you get a drop.

Collection/Progress over time: This would be like collections (cherry blossom collection, Easter egg hunt, Halloween costume collection, clean up Britannia etc) where you are awarded points for multiple tasks and over time you can turn your points in for a reward of your choosing.

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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Death »

Should we maybe start a topic in work in progress or update the first post of this news topic with an ongoing list of suggested ideas to peruse over?

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39455
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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Daelan »

We need Hookers and Pole dancers YES YES :p

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39456
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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Red Squirrel »

Daelan wrote:We need Hookers and Pole dancers YES YES :p
That's what the escort NPC quests are for. :P

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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Daelan »

omg now fhat was funny lol

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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Death »

Some of my thoughts (Note, these are just ideas and there are currently no plans to introduce these):

- Remove the resource gathering delays from mining/lumberjack/etc. These only serve to make things slower to gather ingredients for crafting and without a full player economy makes it harder to get supplies

- Make talismans more accessible, most likely through quests. Harder quests would drop higher level protection/killer talismans which would improve a player's ability to solo things. Talismans could also have better passive/activated abilities such as protection/resistance against certain spells or better familiars.

- Add more spawned structures around the world that serve as mini bosses or encounters. Some ideas involve outposts, mini boss battles, gypsy tents, special vendors such as black markets, etc.

- Add trading posts that would allow players to trade items for other items. For example, you could trade artifacts in for raw materials like boards/ingots or trade in raw materials for artifacts/gear. This could work similar to a collection system where you simply drop items into a "recycle bin" at the trading post which rewards you with points you can use to redeem other items by speaking to the NPC at the trading post. This would effectively be like our version of clean up Britannia

- Improve the quest system/revamp dungeons. Completing quests or tasks around dungeons would reward you points that can be used to obtain special rewards. Dungeon revamps would allow us to create new arena style solo mini-bosses/peerless and bring a little bit something for everyone (new stealables, pets, puzzles, etc)

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39459
Nexus Graveheart
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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Nexus Graveheart »

Hopefully we could find some options that would easily be reversible or modifiable should the shard start picking up again. I'll list out my thoughts.

- As far as the skill cap goes, I think it should stay as is, but item property and stat caps could be changed. A higher SDI, SSI, DI, etc would make boss encounters much easier.

- I like the idea of a revamp to dungeons, although I imagine it might be too involved and time consuming for the size of the shard. There could be mini-bosses that are themed to a particular demitel, champ, or boss. They would drop tokens that you could accumulate to trade in for one of the drops from the actual boss. So if there were a bunch of people, you could group to just bash the boss and get the drop chance. Or if you're the only one, you could farm the mini-boss for tokens and still have the chance to get the hard to get items. There would be some balancing necessary, of course.

- I like removing gathering delay and dropping the weight of gold.

- Years back we built bridges over the rivers southwest of Trinsic so you could bypass the city and get straight to the road and Solen tunnels. There was a collection system for resources and the bridge showed construction progress as we contributed. I absolutely loved that system and would love to see if implemented now. It would be great addition for a smaller player base as we would have a place to funnel gathered resources and feel like the world is more alive. Landmarks, bridges, fixing up ruins, etc. The new structures could then be used for some new unique encounters or as a home for new quest givers or special traders. There are a lot of options there.

- I'd like to see a higher spawn rate for sea serpents when fishing and the removal of level one treasure maps as a possible option when fishing them up. They aren't worth doing, and we're all just after nets and MiBs.

- Some more seeds and plants. The peculiar and cocoa seeds that OSI has would be cool. Or some special places to get certain ones. For instance, waterlogged seeds could be fished up and would grow water-related plants in an assortment of different blues, greens, and aquas. A rare chance to pull seeds from trees. Mining up a petrified seed that could be rekindled on a forge (think GoT dragons) and used to grow fiery plants and vines.

- As always, I would love to have a water pitcher that has unlimited uses. Or a mini water elemental that is my best friend and lives in my backpack and happily gives of himself to water my plants whenever I ask.

That's all I can come up with at the moment.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39467
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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Death »

Thanks for the suggestions!
As far as the skill cap goes, I think it should stay as is, but item property and stat caps could be changed. A higher SDI, SSI, DI, etc would make boss encounters much easier.
Changing the caps would be a much more suitable option than increasing the skill limit. This can certainly be looked into for some item properties.
I like the idea of a revamp to dungeons, although I imagine it might be too involved and time consuming for the size of the shard. There could be mini-bosses that are themed to a particular demitel, champ, or boss. They would drop tokens that you could accumulate to trade in for one of the drops from the actual boss. So if there were a bunch of people, you could group to just bash the boss and get the drop chance. Or if you're the only one, you could farm the mini-boss for tokens and still have the chance to get the hard to get items. There would be some balancing necessary, of course.
There were ideas for dungeon revamps at some point to add special traps, bosses, etc to them but these don't necessarily need to be dungeon focused. At any rate, anything that makes dungeons more exciting is a win. I think UOML had kind of the right idea with adding some flavor to the dungeons, just need more of that I think.

As for drops, I'm not sure how players would feel about having multiple drop options for some items. For example, consider some of the minor artifacts (let's use paragon artifacts as an example). Instead of having a single paragon path for drops, we could potentially have them drop in numerous different ways. Some examples:

- Chance to get one from killing paragons
- Possible reward from stealing from and looting chests/treasure chests
- Might receive it as a reward from gambling/games of chance
- Possible reward you can choose from collections such as a clean up britannia or other points collection
- Possible crafting reward or maybe possible to craft it yourself if you have the components
I like removing gathering delay and dropping the weight of gold.
I think this one is pretty much a given at this point. It would likely not be monumental to add this fix in.
Years back we built bridges over the rivers southwest of Trinsic so you could bypass the city and get straight to the road and Solen tunnels. There was a collection system for resources and the bridge showed construction progress as we contributed. I absolutely loved that system and would love to see if implemented now. It would be great addition for a smaller player base as we would have a place to funnel gathered resources and feel like the world is more alive. Landmarks, bridges, fixing up ruins, etc. The new structures could then be used for some new unique encounters or as a home for new quest givers or special traders. There are a lot of options there.
Community collections tried to address some of this, where players would collect points for an individual "prize" but the accumulated points total would also do "something" in the world. The zoo collection added some animals in the cages that you could visit, such as the silver steed. The vesper museum would gradually fill up decorations. Some AOV systems have also paired off with the collections, such as the halloween event costume collection. Players can turn in points for costumes but the total points contribute to decorating the inside of one of the witch huts as well. We can certainly add more collections with a larger "community" bonus but we would need to figure out the thresholds and point decays for the community bonuses. Some of the community bonuses could be things that are more useful to players as well such as public moongates at banks, more trash barrels, new NPC vendors moving into towns, etc.

I puttered around with some ideas of how to make the world feel more "alive". Some ideas I've experimented with:

- Day/Night Spawners: Would change the type of spawn at different points in the in game day type. For example, graveyards might have more powerful undead creatures such as lich, lich lords, rotting corpses, etc at night and less powerful undead such as zombies and spectres during the day. Other examples might have more wolves/bears spawn around the world during the night and more birds spawn during the day

- Seasonal Spawners: Would change spawns throughout the seasons (in real life). For example, during winter you would likely see winter reapers appear around the world as opposed to regular reapers. There could also be decorations around the world to reflect the seasons, such as pockets of snow or snow covered trees. Fall season might have more mushrooms that can be found growing naturally around the world as well as trees with colored leaves.

- Spawned Structures: Would be kind of like an expansion to the ratman cages or brigand camps that could be found around the world. These would spawn around the overworld. Perhaps you could find a spider nest with a mephitis style mini boss in some of the deeper forests or perhaps you could find a ship of pirates on the seas. Not all of these need to be battle encounters, perhaps you could sometimes find trading posts along the paths, maybe a traveling merchant or a black market at night....there's a lot of options.
I'd like to see a higher spawn rate for sea serpents when fishing and the removal of level one treasure maps as a possible option when fishing them up. They aren't worth doing, and we're all just after nets and MiBs
For fishing, a lot of the rates are outdated, in particular the drop chances of ancient SOS and nets. A lot of these were increased with the High Seas expansion and fishing got a lot more life breathed into it. Many adjustments can be made now to improve the drop rates and spawn rates for serpents and other exciting encounters. As for removing the level one treasure maps, I think it would be better to make the maps a lot more exciting and beneficial to do, even at lower levels.
Some more seeds and plants. The peculiar and cocoa seeds that OSI has would be cool. Or some special places to get certain ones. For instance, waterlogged seeds could be fished up and would grow water-related plants in an assortment of different blues, greens, and aquas. A rare chance to pull seeds from trees. Mining up a petrified seed that could be rekindled on a forge (think GoT dragons) and used to grow fiery plants and vines
We can add the missing plant seeds and look into adding new ones. There's plenty of crop graphics available in UO, maybe we can add carrot seeds, corn seeds, etc that can be purchased from farmer NPCs and would allow you to grow the plants and collect the vegetables as a resource (similar to other plants).
As always, I would love to have a water pitcher that has unlimited uses. Or a mini water elemental that is my best friend and lives in my backpack and happily gives of himself to water my plants whenever I ask
Ahhh yes, the endless decanter of water! It's not available on AOV but I don't see why it couldn't exist!

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39468
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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Shanks »

For the resource gathering delay, would that mean that its just simply infinite veins? also, said in shoutbox but will also put here, can we increase the vendor range for buy/sell and general use?

Figured i should edit rather than continuously comment everytime i get an idea or something but, could we also look into the way life leech/vamp form functions here? on any and all servers playing a sampire is very viable on here it seems to not actually leech at all or if it does its extremely miniscule compared to what it should be leeching.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39471
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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Death »

Shanks wrote:For the resource gathering delay, would that mean that its just simply infinite veins? also, said in shoutbox but will also put here, can we increase the vendor range for buy/sell and general use?
This would be to remove the 3-5 second delay when your pick/axe hits the ground/tree and when you actually get the resource. This change would basically be "mine/axe spot, get resource instantly".

We could also look into the resource vein min/max values as well as change percentages to allow for more resource gathering from a single vein with less chance of it exhausting/changing into a different vein.

Update: I have added the new suggestions to the ongoing list on the first post. If I missed anything, my apologies, just give a shout and I'll add it.

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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by ninja2007 »

or have someone help you get the server up to date, i have pretty much age of valor running on the newest core without the AI, and some new customs like Instanced Thieving where you still from high famed monsters, the only thing that wasn't really compatible was the SUPER AI, but im sure us together could easily figure it out, i have custom enums to help out with a lot of things, the only thing that would happen is people would lose their saves, there is alot of things we could do to bring back life to valor, but its up to you guys, i 've been using the valor base for a long time

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39474
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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Red Squirrel »

Bringing it up to date is too much work at this point. We are only looking at little things that are quick fixes. If by chance the population was to pickup again it's something I could look into again, but whether I do it or get someone else to do it or even use code that already exists, it's still a lot of work to get it all setup and integrated properly. Can't just blindly overwrite files. Especially stuff that has to do with serialization.

At this point the shard is mostly being kept on for nostalgia purposes so people can still login and play if they want, but we are not putting the same amount of work that used to go into it.

I do want to look at adding some of these suggestions at some point though, probably in fall. Funny enough I'm totally not setup for UO anymore, I upgraded to 4k, and playing UO on a 4k screen is comical at best. The client does not have any kind of scaling so it's basically using like 1/8th of the screen. If the shard was very popular I would honestly look into having our own custom client and essentially break away from EA but that's a huge undertaking.

It would be interesting to change the server update to like 100 tiles and make it playable on 4k, but that would not be fair for anyone with a smaller screen not to mention the extra server processing involved.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39475
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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by ggkthx »

For the record, this is already the best UO server by far.
Anyone who disagrees either has no idea, has crappy opinions, or is just used to playing on their trash server and has like Stockholm syndrome.

That said, 1 slot EVs please? :)

(I honestly don't think I'd even use this for much of anything, it would just be sweet.)

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39476
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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by ggkthx »

Oh, and sorry if it was already mentioned above, but the only other thing I think of being needed on a solo/low pop server versus a very active one is the time for Champ spawn altars to drop down a level being greatly lengthened and possibly weaker champs/other bosses (peerless, etc), some of them anyway. Big difference trying to solo anything but Coon vs doing it with a group.

With one exception, please do not lengthen the sleeping dragon spawn. Level one is good/fun for getting ltots and the rest of it is hot garbage. <3

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39477
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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Nexus Graveheart »

Another couple thoughts for this:

- Increase success chance at smelting for all ores. I have 110 mining and still fail smelting bronze from time to time. It's frustrating.

- Add in the stone walls and stairs to the stonecrafting menu that OSI added in several years back. Building a valorite castle would be a lengthy and enjoyable process, for me at least. Not sure how involved this would be though, and I know there isn't much time being lent to the shard.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39480
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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by ggkthx »

Nexus Graveheart wrote:Another couple thoughts for this:

- Increase success chance at smelting for all ores. I have 110 mining and still fail smelting bronze from time to time. It's frustrating.

- Add in the stone walls and stairs to the stonecrafting menu that OSI added in several years back. Building a valorite castle would be a lengthy and enjoyable process, for me at least. Not sure how involved this would be though, and I know there isn't much time being lent to the shard.
Or bring back mining power scrolls :D
One of my miners has 120 Mining IIRC but I'd still like to see these back.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39481
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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Death »

ggkthx wrote:Oh, and sorry if it was already mentioned above, but the only other thing I think of being needed on a solo/low pop server versus a very active one is the time for Champ spawn altars to drop down a level being greatly lengthened and possibly weaker champs/other bosses (peerless, etc), some of them anyway. Big difference trying to solo anything but Coon vs doing it with a group.

With one exception, please do not lengthen the sleeping dragon spawn. Level one is good/fun for getting ltots and the rest of it is hot garbage. <3
This should actually be in game now. The amount of spawn to kill for the next levels has been lowered as well as the reset penalty for not completing a wave in time has been increased from 10 minutes to 30 minutes. The champs also drop the AOV special items as well as the OSI ones.
ggkthx wrote:
Nexus Graveheart wrote:Another couple thoughts for this:

- Increase success chance at smelting for all ores. I have 110 mining and still fail smelting bronze from time to time. It's frustrating.

- Add in the stone walls and stairs to the stonecrafting menu that OSI added in several years back. Building a valorite castle would be a lengthy and enjoyable process, for me at least. Not sure how involved this would be though, and I know there isn't much time being lent to the shard.
Or bring back mining power scrolls :D
One of my miners has 120 Mining IIRC but I'd still like to see these back.
Smelting chances can be improved as well as adding stonecrafting. I've added these suggestions to the list.

The reason 120 mining scrolls were removed was due to them acting really weird with the mining bonus gloves. The mining gloves aren't a simple skill+ item, they are an overcapped bonus which was not designed in mind for mining skill to ever be over 100. This could be revisited, but I think for resource gathering skills, it might be better to just have +bonus items instead in order not to cramp templates with more 120 skills (such as for lumberjacking, fishing, mining, etc)

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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Red Squirrel »

So just to give a bit of a time line, I do want to look at actually making these changes some times in fall or start of winter. Like say, maybe Novemberish. Summer is busy as I spend as much time doing outside projects as I can, but when that slows down.

I may also do it before, like if I decide one day where it's raining or something I may just drill through the list and do all the changes. I don't plan to code full time like I used to but seeing more activity on the shard is encouraging so I definitely want to make things better and do want to add new stuff over time too.

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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by Red Squirrel »

Just a heads up that I did do lot of progress on some of these. There's one more thing in my list I need to do then I will want to do a bit more testing, and it will be ready for release. It took longer than I wanted to and ended up having an unrelated issue take up the last few of my days off, so I won't be working on it until another week from now.

But just thought I'd give a heads up to expect an update in a couple weeks more than likely.

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Due to the stagnent nature of shard...

Post by ggkthx »

Some awesome stuff here already.
I need to review this and see what cool stuff is live now that I didn't know about.

Thanks for tweaking this stuff!

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6811, old post ID:39575
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