thanks i just got it done i got to send it in to winamp now before they post the other one.
as you can see the main changes are the drop down frame in the media library it is now black. the green selection color in the library is also a speical effect as on my computer it is green but then when clicked on it goes to an blueish white that looks like it snowed on the lawn.
and the images on the buttons the animals just did not work that small so i changed them with colored ice cubes.
you click on them and they melt to a water drop.
same with the iceciles they start to melt when you click on them thanks to triple for that idea.
i tried to keep it techy but yet fun.
the cubes look a little like a rubics cube, and watching the ice melt is always something that seems like science stuff.
you have to get my av effect off my web site. go to
click on the button under the all about jazz message bulletton that says it is for my media download page then click on the link for the winamp avs. file.
you will find my other combonation skins on that page too. plus the brand new skin for the alpha version of media monkey 3.
i been skinning a lot again. had to update all the combo winamp and monkey skins on that page. if you need some album art check for it on that page too, either real ones or ones i made to work since i could not find one..
okay okay i'll stop with the site plug. i just got going and going and going.
i do that some times sorry.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4723, old post ID:37461