Iceteks winamp skin

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by rovingcowboy »

i cleaned up the skin and so i removed the last post and am putting up this new one.

i took the opt... time to change a few things also so this is a slightly different

enjoy. :banana:

just unzip the file the wsz is inside the zip file since it would not let me upload the wsz file. :banghead:

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by rovingcowboy »

okay i see i can add an image with my own reply. so here is the screen shot.

the av effect is the one i made that i call line explosions.

and the large window on the top right is the amrok plugin i skinned it too.


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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by Triple6_wild »

cool :awesome:

seems like ya got everything :D

and the new improvements are a nice touch B)

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by rovingcowboy »

thanks i just got it done i got to send it in to winamp now before they post the other one.

as you can see the main changes are the drop down frame in the media library it is now black. the green selection color in the library is also a speical effect as on my computer it is green but then when clicked on it goes to an blueish white that looks like it snowed on the lawn. :rolleyes:

and the images on the buttons the animals just did not work that small so i changed them with colored ice cubes.
you click on them and they melt to a water drop.

same with the iceciles they start to melt when you click on them thanks to triple for that idea.

i tried to keep it techy but yet fun.
the cubes look a little like a rubics cube, and watching the ice melt is always something that seems like science stuff. :stir the pot:

you have to get my av effect off my web site. go to

click on the button under the all about jazz message bulletton that says it is for my media download page then click on the link for the winamp avs. file.

you will find my other combonation skins on that page too. plus the brand new skin for the alpha version of media monkey 3.

i been skinning a lot again. had to update all the combo winamp and monkey skins on that page. if you need some album art check for it on that page too, either real ones or ones i made to work since i could not find one..

okay okay i'll stop with the site plug. i just got going and going and going. :)
i do that some times sorry. :(

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by rovingcowboy »

:lol: just cause there are so many downloads of the skin.

i got to thinking what can i do to improve it for everybody. :cry:

now stop your crying it aint that bad? you might even want this one

along with the other one so named it iceteks 2 so both can
be on your system.

okay the improvements might mean little to nothing on a large screen
other then make it look dirty :bsod: .

which is not what i wanted. but this
will benifite smaller screens of 800 x 600 sizes. :awesome: :banana:

the screen shot will show you what i mean. but this is what i did.

i started the player and left it out in the cold and this is what it looks like after
some time outdoors up north. :stir the pot: :roflmao2:

kindof more like a Frozen Iceteks skin then a iceteks 2 but the name keeps
it beside the other one in the listing.


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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by rovingcowboy »

iceteks 2 screen shot.


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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by rovingcowboy »

i was going to edit the previous post above where i said
to get the av effects from my site. but could not edit it.

you can still get them there but not all are in that zip file. i have not
updated it yet.

you can also still get my other skins there.

but if you want my old school winamp avs effects that i have updated.
then you need to download them from here until i get my site updated.

i think the lineexplosions 2 works well with this iceteks skin since it changes
colors to the same that are in the skin.

in order to keep the avs as the one you want to see when your using
a winamp classic skin like this one is.

you must change to a modern winamp skin and look for the button that will allow
you to unselect the random play choice for the audio visual effects.
then it will stay to the one you wanted.
that choice is not on the winamp classic skins for some reason?

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by rovingcowboy »

hey they did put the skin up on winamps site. just took awhile after i sent it to them. i believe two months? but it did go up. and has been the old version there.

since it was up Feb. 23rd, 2007
the old version with the animals has got
so i uploaded the new version to them today the version that i posted in the second post of this thread. so way to go red you got that many fans of the site. plus those that got it here.

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by Red Squirrel »

lol @ the comments.

"eye cancer!"

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by Triple6_wild »

Very plain looking skin :lol:

Seeing as there are alot of hits think we should make a new one?

Probly best to start a new one after iceteks gets an overhaul itself tho so we have a new theme to work with ^^

If squirrel is willing to give iceteks a new look then im willing to do a winamp skin along with roving and whoever els then we can vote for best skin to upload at B)

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by rovingcowboy »

well i just sent them the new version of it with out the animals so it might be some time before they get that uploaded.

but i for one am not making any more winamp skins because i cant do
the modern style.

i have quit making winamp skins Reds was the last one i did just for his site.
cause the other one that was being made got toasted and lost and shreded.

but i am not going to make anymore, if you make one make the new modern style
of skin if you know how. this classic look might not be around many more of the winamp version updates.

if you want to see what i been making and you don't already know. then head to this players screenshots. of my skins.

as you can see i been busy all year last year, and this month also. B)

but i am going to have to find paying work. the need for income has gotten to hard to ignore anymore. :o

and free skins is fun but can't pay the bills. :huh:

making the media monkey skins is fast and easy it almost like making the old winamp classic skins. only it takes up to 4 hours if you really understand the skinning process. longer if you are doing a hard skin like my concert skin for media monkey. so if you get the idea to make an iceteks skin for media monkey go ahead we want more ideas for skins. and more skins being made. they are going to make a site like winamps to host the scripts and skins. it is not finished yet.
but when it is then we could compair the two player skins in download numbers.
winamp iceteks vs. mediamonkey iceteks.? :awesome:

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by Triple6_wild »

I also cannot do the modern style skins tho i would like to learn :lol:

And winamp not keeping the old style? They would be foolish to get rid of classic winamp because of the list of skins they have for it and classic winamp is light on system resources so its not exactly going to go out of style :blink:

Not everyone has a brand new alianware pc :(

I took a look at your monkey skins and you seem to be really good at thos :awesome:
Trucking skin seems kinda neat but man your music is really not my style... the beatles?? :roflmao2: Got a list of winamp skins you made also? All winamp skins ive made have never really left my computer like yours have :unsure: I dont like to share and the reason for making em was for myself anyways :biglaugh: Only downside to not sharing is some got lost in a format :cry:

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by rovingcowboy »

only winamp skins i've put online are at winamps site,
these are winamp only versions trucking, and iceteks.

my other skins i made i have retired but steegy has hosted them for you so you can still get them from the mediamonkey wiki site.

Christmas Toys, Jungle Monkey, Trucking same as one on winamps site only this can be used in mediamonkey 2.5 also.
go here.

and get my mediamonkey2.5 skins they still work on winamp because mediamonkey 2.5 used winamp skins with a few changes.
so i was able to make my skins be full skins on both
those players. but how long they will be online is not known since media monkey 3 is out now. so if you want them go and get them.

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by Pyr-O-Rgasm »

Lolz, thanks. So that's Winamp classic? I'm not to great with Winamp, haven't had it in years...

So me and MikeDB were working on one. I guess that was NOT a classic skin? I have no clue. I was just told to make images, and I complied.

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by rovingcowboy »

yep thats the old winamp classic player skin style.

the modern styel allows you to move it in size to keep it visable on the screen, the classic style is a fixed size skin. meaing it don't get any bigger player skin then what it was made like. so on large screens the classic skin has small buttons and stuff.

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by rovingcowboy »

new skin made for mediamonkey triple and pyro do you want to help with the buttons? its super simple for mediamonkey skins


okay cool i got your pm triple. will get the stuff to you. :awesome:

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by rovingcowboy »

well i have heard from both triple and pryo now. :banana:

triple is taking a look at them, has not sent anything back yet. :huh:

pryo said he was so busy a beaver wouldn't find him. so i told him not to worry about makin any buttons for the skin triple is looking at them, B)

but no word yet from triple on them.? :(

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by Triple6_wild »

Have been a little busy but I'll get at it <_>

Would you mind emailing me the current copy of the skin so I may load it up with the
media money I have downloaded. I really need to be able to click on this crap to figure it out.

I can't make anything out of this little mess, Can only make a new mess really lol

I did ask for more details on the buttons functions and had no reply.
Ive got a bunch of random images here that are supposed to be buttons but
how do I know what random images are for.

Only the original person who made this can figure it out and I did not make it so I'm lost. :lol:


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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by rovingcowboy »

don't understand what happened to the image i sent it back to you?

telling you what each image was for on the map? did you have an email muck up like i just got tonight. i had to re-add my account to the email client and I'm on dial up now cause i can't get the wireless to connect anymore.
the skin i took to use as a model for changing to this skin is the music bringers pub skin you will see the same button images on that skin if you want to get that and use it to see what the buttons do. its so simple though they are not random orders? on the map. you don't even need the map i thought it would be easer. to just overlay new images on to the old ones. but just use this for this skin.

1. previous button
2. play pause button play and pause are two different sets of images used by one button.
3. stop button. it has more red on it so it is used for stop.
4. next button
5. av effect
6. little button on top volume slider.
7. big button mute
8. glass of dark ale button is auto DJ button.
9. beer tap and glass is open file button.

buttons can be any size and any shape if you use png files for a transparent background.

only reason i said to make them the same size on that map is cause its easier for me to just stick the map back in the skin and let it find them as it already is told where they are to be.

all buttons only need 3 to 4 images just like winamp. and most other players. normal, hot, disabled, pressed. don't worry about one for focused because monkey uses that in a different manor so no users will see it.

just make them all have an image for each of those listed and tell me which one you want for which name. if you send four of one image slightly different shades of brightness, I'll take the brightest for the hot image and the darkest for the disabled, or pressed, and the other two I'll figure out which is darker and use the lightest of those two for the normal one.

because most buttons are made light to dark i use images some times they are light to dark some times they change to something different on the same button on my skins.

keeps one hopping that way. but monkey has a tool tip to tell you on mouse over what button does what.

some of my buttons only have one image and don't change when clicked on.

you can do anything you want with monkey's images for the skins.

since you got it the skin you showed was made by Morten and is used as the default skin. but don't try to compare his with mine he did not make it the same way. he used less images and less buttons on his then are able to be put on. i try to put them all on the skin if possible.

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by Triple6_wild »

Never got an image back :unsure: I use gmail in my web browser so if there was a muck up then it wasn't on my end :lol: Your side or lost in transit

It is easier to overlay the buttons on the old map, Reading and understanding the map is the problem :biglaugh:

Also wasn't comparing just saying I could skin that EASY because every button is clear, anyone can understand what they do. >> is skip forward/ << skip backwards/ l> play/ The organized mess I received young's "button" can blow up the moon or spawn teens in my room for all I know.

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by rovingcowboy »

well if you did not get the zip file i sent again with images in it then google mail is blocking them for some reason?

not sure why they would do that. but they could be.

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Iceteks winamp skin

Post by Triple6_wild »

gmail only blocks .exe files and I should still receive the text portion of the email even if a file is blocked

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