[unofficial] RunUO network is no more

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Red Squirrel
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[unofficial] RunUO network is no more

Post by Red Squirrel »

It looks like the RunUO and UOgamers network is gone now.  Their sites have been gone for quite a while and from various discussions I've seen on other forums it seems to be the case that they closed down.  As far as I know the official shards like Demise and Hybrid are still going to continue though.

For those who do not know, there is ServUO that is a fork of RunUO, I am in now way affiliated with them but just thought I would plug them anyway: http://www.servuo.com

They are a fairly active community and I think a lot of them come from the original RunUO forum that got shut down years back.

That said, anyone is welcome to this forum too for any UO related discussion.  This forum looks dead and well, it is, but it would definitely be nice to get more activity going!

Archived topic from UOG, old topic ID:100, old post ID:300
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