Weird question/suggestion.
I swear there's some items that don't highlight yellow when you lock them down. I'm not sure if this is a flag in item properties that affects this or what but would it be possible to make some more items not highlight when moused over?
I thought of this when I was putting some decorative stealables on the wall and was thinking it would be nicer if they became part of the decor more and didn't highlight like they do. Also, would love to see some more items that exist in the game but aren't obtainable in any way become available through crafting or some drop system, to have more decoration options, etc. If that's possible.
Can't think of anything right this second, but there's items in dungeons, in shops, etc that would be awesome to have if you were trying to recreate that sort of environment in your home. I can help dig into specifics if this is a thing you think could happen.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6701, old post ID:39042
Item Highlighting
Item Highlighting

I didn't choose the Fel life, the Fel life chose me.