Edit or delete sources in kodi and where to find sources.xml

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Red Squirrel
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Edit or delete sources in kodi and where to find sources.xml

Post by Red Squirrel »

I'm writing this for my own future reference because I just spent countless hours trying to find this very basic information. Oddly it does not seem to be easily available, so hopefully people find it when searching on Google and find it helpful.

So if you added a source such as a NFS share but want to delete or rename it, you need to edit sources.xml. What every single site fails to provide is the actual location of this file.

It is located in


The default SSH credentials are root / openelec

Unfortunately it does not seem to let you change this password so you won't be able to make it the same as the rest of your network. I also don't advise putting this box on an untrusted network as well, it's a default password that can't be changed.

Once you do get to the file it is fairly self explanatory in what you need to change.

If you cannot SSH into it, you may need to enable it, within Kodi itself with the remote, you can go to System / Openelec / services and then you will see an option to enable SSH.

Hopefully this helps anyone that may have tried searching for the same info and could not find it.

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Edit or delete sources in kodi and where to find sources.xml

Post by dprantl »

find / -name sources.xml -print

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6676, old post ID:38952