November 21 2011 - Donation system

Information on new updates to the shard as well as what's to come
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Red Squirrel
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November 21 2011 - Donation system

Post by Red Squirrel »

* Automated donation system has been implemented. Please note that this is beta. Please report any issues you may find. A stone is located in luna and will soon be added to all towns. Note that more donation items will be added over the next few weeks, so if you donate, there is no need to spend all the points right away.

* User accounts now have more restrictions when it comes to special characters. The following characters are no longer allowed in user names:



As well as any other character that was not allowed before, or characters in the extended ascii table.

This somewhat has to do with the way the donation system works. It is more or less to play things safe and avoid weird characters from potentially causing issues. This will also prepare us for a possible future account system where some of these characters may have a special purpose when logging in.

If any existing accounts have these characters in them, they will remain for now, but I will be making a plan to change them and I will announce at that time. Most likely, a prompt will just happen in game to choose a new account name.

* Skill gain deeds now have a uniform hue rather than changing color based on skill. The graphic for that is shared with other systems so it will prevent potential future confusion if colors end up being used for something else.

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November 21 2011 - Donation system

Post by ggkthx »

I assume you know, but this is broken because the donate page it takes you to doesn't exist anymore.
There's an error message on the main but the index.php?uoaccount=accountname it tries to take you to doesn't exist and has no error message.
Would also love to see some more donation items if it is reinstated but I don't have any specific requests ready in that front as of yet. :)

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6322, old post ID:38055
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November 21 2011 - Donation system

Post by Death »

ggkthx wrote:I assume you know, but this is broken because the donate page it takes you to doesn't exist anymore.
There's an error message on the main but the index.php?uoaccount=accountname it tries to take you to doesn't exist and has no error message.
Would also love to see some more donation items if it is reinstated but I don't have any specific requests ready in that front as of yet. :)
Pretty sure red intends on bringing back the donation system but wanted to make sure there was interest in the shard revival before he turned it back on.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6322, old post ID:38059
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Red Squirrel
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November 21 2011 - Donation system

Post by Red Squirrel »

Yeah I just need to reactivate the script and test it since it's been a while but it should be fairly easy to readd. I might do that in the next month or so, just want to gauge what the shard population will be like so people don't feel they got ripped when they donate and there's nobody on.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6322, old post ID:38067
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