-Easter Event items, mobiles, quests, etc added to the live server. Check on the forums and in game for information on when the event will be active.
Script Updates
- Swamp dragon barding deeds now have updated armor points to match more recent OSI changes (Other dragon barding changes will be updated sometime after the new core is released due to cliloc support).
Only newly applied barding deeds will receive the armor point bonus. Any swamp dragons already wearing armor will need to have a new suit of armor applied to them for the new bonus.
-New Deed + Unarmored Swamp Dragon = Full armor points
-Old Deed + Unarmored Swamp Dragon = Full armor points
-My swamp dragon is wearing armor before the patch = Old armor points
Durability at new for normal quality barding is 10000, exceptional quality 12000 for metal types: iron, copper, bronze, gold, agapite, verite.
Durability at new for normal quality barding is 12500, exceptional quality 14500 for metal types: dull copper, valorite.
Durability at new for normal quality barding is 15000, exceptional quality 17000 for metal type: shadow iron.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5682, old post ID:35111
April 20 2011 - Easter Event, Swamp Dragons
April 20 2011 - Easter Event, Swamp Dragons
oooooooh baby sweeeeeeeeeeet
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5682, old post ID:35117
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5682, old post ID:35117
April 20 2011 - Easter Event, Swamp Dragons
We were using Shadow Iron dragon barding even before it was the most durable.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5682, old post ID:38056
We were using Shadow Iron dragon barding even before it was the most durable.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5682, old post ID:38056

I didn't choose the Fel life, the Fel life chose me.
April 20 2011 - Easter Event, Swamp Dragons
Oh good! I completely forgot I made those changes it was on my todo list! Praise for one less thing to doggkthx wrote:#winning
We were using Shadow Iron dragon barding even before it was the most durable.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5682, old post ID:38060