2023 Forum Merge - bugs/issues

Feedback, issues or suggestions for the forum
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Red Squirrel
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2023 Forum Merge - bugs/issues

Post by Red Squirrel »

This thread is to list issues that I am aware of that have to do with the migration process specifically. (anything related to just using the forum, feel free to post in the forum help and feedback section)

Current known issues:

Page loads are randomly slow (this appears to be solved)
Suspect UO Gateway poller or backup jobs may be causing this, will need to test this further. If you notice this yourself take note of the time and post here.

Spam posts (ongoing progress, manually deleting them)
There seems to be a lot of spam posts that were not on the original forums. I think these may be topics that were moved to a hidden spam forum rather than deleted, so they ended up getting picked up by the merge script as the move operation probably left a virtual topic in the tables. It may be easier to just delete these manually rather than rerun the merge.

Sometimes get logged out (solved)
I am not sure if this is actually happening or just me doing testing and causing myself to get logged out, but it's something to keep an eye on. Seems when I leave overnight and come back I have to login again. If you experience this let me know along with a rough estimate of the last time you were logged in, and when you tried to login again.

Search formatting messed up on old posts (won't fix)
It seems the raw html for posts shows up within search results. I will be honest and say I did not spend any time troubleshooting this as I didn't want to mess with the process of getting the posts to format properly in general, so I was just willing to let this issue slide. If ever I feel inclined in the future I might be able to look into fixing this but it's going to be a rather low priority thing.

Registration date mismatch between account management system and forum (probably won't fix)
This appears to only affect accounts that existed on more than one forum during the merge, might not bother fixing this as it is very minor. The reg date on the forum will be correct it's only the one on the account system that won't be.

Activation emails (solved)
I'm looking into an issue where emails don't seem to be getting sent out. It seems to be specific to gmail.
There is also an oversight in the way the account management system handles email. If the first email fails for any reason there is no easy way to have it resend a new one. I will look further into this and tweak it.
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