Yo, i have gotten quite a few AMAZING things in the mail recently!
Well, the first month of summer, i got "The 1985 Official David Bowie Calendar, two 1983 newspaper clipings (about Bowie) and a Bowie book! All from a friend in Oregon
One or tow months ago i got "ISELECT" from my a friend in England. It came in their newspaper. It has songs personaly selected by Bowie from some of his great albums.
Sortly after that, i got the "Sound + Vision" Documentary from another friend in England, he is an admin of a very neat Bowie forum (that is where i have been all these days, lol....along with Facebook)! I love that documentary! The first documentary i received only spanned his life from childhood - 1983....there is soooo much more after that. And this documentary spanns early childhood- 2002! I LOVE THAT! You even get to learn about his other family members, the people he worked with, and there are small parts taken from interveiws with Bowie. And for the documentary, there were interviews with people like Tony Visconti, Iggy Pop, Carlos Alamar, and Trent Reznor! Wooh!!!
And Finally, last night i got a great package from my friend in Florida! I opened it up and noticed there was a folded shirt in it!...i was shocked and excited! She said she didnt know if she could find a Bowie shirt of hers that she could bare to get rid of, lol! And she also gave me 5 packages of Airheads! weeeee! im shaving htem for later or something! im definatly not eaching them all at once! and im sharing too! Ahe also gave me a Gummy Spider to eat! its big and it looks delisios! Black and Yellow! lol, Spiders from mars! Ha! And a card! YIPpY
Im wearing the shirt right now
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