Bill Gates (mostly) leaves Microsoft

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Chris Vogel
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Bill Gates (mostly) leaves Microsoft

Post by Chris Vogel »

From Reuters:
[Bill Gates] leaves his full-time executive role at Microsoft, which he co-founded with childhood friend Paul Allen in 1975, to focus on his philanthropic organization, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the world’s largest charity, funded in part by his vast fortune.
Wonderful. Microsoft is now run by a man who throws chairs.

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Red Squirrel
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Bill Gates (mostly) leaves Microsoft

Post by Red Squirrel »

lol @ the ballmer article. That guy really is phsyco. I foresee the fall of microsoft.

As much as people hate Bill Gates and Microsoft he knows how to run his shop and does/did it well. He's one smart man.

Though since Steve hates Google so much this could possibly be dangerous. He could just say "screw it" and buy them out.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3602, old post ID:66242
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