having trouble witn lan

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having trouble witn lan

Post by rovingcowboy »

okay so i'm trying again.

last time didn't work and it's been awhile.

i got both computers running windows xp pro sp3.
both computers have their own internet connection, so i don't need to go through one to get online with the other one.

i just want them to talk to each other when i'm off line so i can transfere files faster then the the usb line. which is so far taking a stagering amounut of time it's slow.

but i have both nic cards working. as they should be.
only they won't talk to each other. they use to back when i was using windows me and xp pro.

but since i up'ed to xp pro on both they don't talk.

so can anyone out there tell me from step one just how to get these to talk when offline?

the windows net wizard keeps tellin me to connect to online i don't want to go through the web i want to use the eithernet cross over cable i have which is good.

thanks. :)

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5549, old post ID:40283
roving cowboy/ keith
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having trouble witn lan

Post by richardj »

:rolleyes: http://geekgirls.com/2010/03/setting-up-a-...-on-windows-xp/

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5549, old post ID:40284
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having trouble witn lan

Post by Red Squirrel »

I would use a NAT router so that they're both local then it would be easier, and more secure. If there's any ports that need to be open to the outside you can always port forward stuff.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5549, old post ID:40285
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having trouble witn lan

Post by rovingcowboy »

okay i got both computers to show the net icons in the tray.
both show an triangle that says limited or no connectivity.

but when i shut one or the other computer down the icon on either will show
the network is disconnected.

but i can't find a way to view anything on the other computer from either computer?

they both have a different ip. but the same sub mask.

as for the safty red. i turn off sharing and disable the net when i'm going to use the computer online.
i know a hub or router would be best but i got what i got and have to make due with the crossover cable.
it should work and it does show a network connection.

but what in the blue blazes is making it not allow me to see the other computer on the network? i've gong through the services and turned just about all the ones on this computer back to automatic things that were not working smoothy now seem to be more ready to work but how sececure is that? not sure but i got enough firewalls and anti vi and spy and mal programs i hope to take care of it.
still though i wonder what is the main soruce of the network window being closed to the other computer?

i guess i will try and go through the other computers services and reset them ?

but i wasted so much time trying to get this worked the files i was transferering to it now are almost done it only took 32 hours and i still got 8 thousand of the 15 thousand left to do.

so i might just keep trying to get this for future use as i don't know why the files were missing from that other computer in the first place??

they are audio files and just disapeard on that computer and it was to be my back up system so now i'm restoring it from my main system?

only this computer needed to have it restored of about 3 thousand files still it has usb 2 and dual core so it is alot faster then the usb1, i been 3 days on this back up restore stuff. i got 3 weeks maybe of more audio to add in that is on hold because of this. but if the systems are losing files then i'm wondering what caused that.

i did an surface scan and no errors or bad sectors were found on any computer.
so something just made them disapear? i had songs got on line before at store sites where they had a bomb in them to make them disapear at a certian time. but these songs were all put in from my records and tapes. which by the way i don't really enjoy going back through the tons of cd's record's and tape's looking for them to replace them so i'm glad i got nice back up system that now showed it is not as nice as i thought.
still got one more computer back up to check and see if they are still on it.?

well it is moving on that usb 1 at the rate of 105 songs since i just typed above i was using the usb 1 on that.
it took about ten minutes to type that part of this.
7 thousand 8 hundred to go and it's finished. i will get this working and use it as i'm also tired of the thumb drive transfer of files. which only does about 30 at a time.

so that is what is going on and why i want them talking to each other again.
why could i get windows me and windows xp talking to each other which everyone said was impossible to do. but i can't get xp and xp working together? :dosgonebad:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5549, old post ID:40286
roving cowboy/ keith
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having trouble witn lan

Post by rovingcowboy »

got my dial up modem working in this computer maybe i'll try to connect a phone line network up and see if i can get that working? :blink:
if i can maybe i'll get the nic cards working later. :huh:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5549, old post ID:40289
roving cowboy/ keith