it takes about 10 minutes to show a little alert style notice that it is scanning for devices. and that is all it shows no matter how long i wait on it to do something?
so i tried to find the answer of how to run the backup utility and what it needs.
when i got to the computer management panel to check the removeable storage then clicked on that to see what it was set up like. the program locked up several restarts of it and doing the same thing i figured to check on another computer and see what is going on.
it seems i need more help on this. because i got to the event logs and checked
and the dcom gave me an error every time i tried to run backup utility. the windows error number it gave me was 98 so i got the numbers check program i got and found that error number 98 is simple message of
( Your Screwed ) Object stopped.
so what is wrong does anyone other then a microsoft programmer know?
i looked online in the ms fourms and can't find any answers i get the run around in a fourm where nobody has posted in for 8 years? so the replys are giving me trouble.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5548, old post ID:40277