Quick update.
So everything is pretty much put together now. It's ready to go.
Some more pics:

SAS cards + Fibre channel card (will control my existing FC SAN)

Back of server

At login screen.
Using CentOS 6.4. The raid arrays will use Linux mdraid. I currently have a small raid array setup with 3 3TB drives. One of the drives failed so I'll have to RMA it. I'll use that particular array for backups probably, then transplant my existing array from the old server to this one and remap everything on the old server.
Power usage is also quite impressive, I figured it would be much more.
Voltage was 122 when I tested, so that make it about 90w or so.
I don't know how accurate that reading is though, as I'm not sure if my meter is true RMS or not.
Was going to wait till I'm done with my basement renos (dust) before I rack my server, but I was too eager to do it so it's done and I can clear my office workbench, so I just did that now.

Yeah I know, it's a MESS behind there, but part of my goal with the basement renos is to build some type of cable management system for the server rack, with some PDUs. So for now I'm not bothering with any cable management as I will be completely redoing everything from scratch and labelling as I go. Probably a 1 day job right there.

ICMP reply and alarm clear! Helps if I turn the port up and put it in the right vlan.

Which drive do I format first! Actually it's more like: which one is which, so I can reconstruct the old raid array on the SAN.
Also, the bottom two enclosures are currently unusable, because I went and used a couple drives as regular sata drives, and that broke the firmware lock on them (was not aware till after) so they no longer work in the SAN. I have to figure out which drives these are and decommission them. The reason I built this server instead of just using this SAN is because of this. I can't just put any sata drive in there. So I will use it as extended storage since I have it, but wont rely on it for actual productivity stuff. Will be mostly for backups/archiving. I don't have enough UPS capacity to protect it, so I rarely turn it on.
I wont be leaving this on till I'm done the renovations though, since it's brand new and all clean I want to keep it that way. When the server room is done it will have proper hvac with air filtration.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5546, old post ID:40274