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Post by Raptomex »

Bad. If you are going to kill your child why have one. If you don't want one don't have sex. Ok, put a condom on or birth control pills. But if your going to have a baby and your not ready it's your fault. At least put it up for adption but don't kill it. I think it's horrible.

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Post by erolyn »

Digital Scyther wrote: Bad. If you are going to kill your child why have one. If you don't want one don't have sex. Ok, put a condom on or birth control pills. But if your going to have a baby and your not ready it' your fault. At least put it up for adption but don't kill it. I think it's horrible.
I agree. People arguing that it's a woman's choice bother me- I think she made her choice when she had sex in the first place.

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Post by Joe »

Digital Scyther wrote: Bad. If you are going to kill your child why have one. If you don't want one don't have sex. Ok, put a condom on or birth control pills. But if your going to have a baby and your not ready it' your fault. At least put it up for adption but don't kill it. I think it's horrible.
I think it's wrong, but I'm gonna try to look at it from someone else point of view. Lets say your in your teens, smart, or gifted with something and that something is gonna take you places. Your gonna be something, actor, sports, or some business millionaire and one night you get drunk and have sex with some girl/guy you don't know. Before you know it your pregnant or the women you slept with is, and your future is in jeopardy. An easy way to just make it all go away is an abortion. And some people have no problem doing it. I do though, thats why ya gotta put that rubber on.

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Post by Red Squirrel »

erolyn wrote: I agree. People arguing that it's a woman's choice bother me- I think she made her choice when she had sex in the first place.
Very true. Not sure what's the whole thing with "sex for pleasure". Sex is a tool to reproduce, and an act of love.

The only way I somewhat support abortion is if the woman got raped, but even then there are other alternatives such as letting it live and putting the child up for adoption, or keeping it if the woman does not mind. And if you're going to do an abortion, do it right away, before it's developing.

And for those who can't go without sex for pleasure, GET FIXED! :dance:

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Post by Joe »

Red does your religion support condoms and birth control or do they view it as a sin.

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Post by Red Squirrel »

Well as long as you have sex only after you're married it's ok. I'm not really sure but I assume it's ok to do it with condoms/birth control as long as it's viewed as an act of love and not done extreemly. I think it's up to the couple to use their judgement, and they should both want to have sex before doing it, otherwise it's basically rape.

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Post by erolyn »

Joe wrote: I think it's wrong, but I'm gonna try to look at it from someone else point of view. Lets say your in your teens, smart, or gifted with something and that something is gonna take you places. Your gonna be something, actor, sports, or some business millionaire and one night you get drunk and have sex with some girl/guy you don't know. Before you know it your pregnant or the women you slept with is, and your future is in jeopardy.  An easy way to just make it all go away is an abortion. And some people have no problem doing it. I do though, thats why ya gotta put that rubber on.
Being 16 myself, I can see that point of view, but at the same time- just don't get drunk. Really. It's stupid. I know people who've done it, and who do it regularly, and there's no point. Stay sober and don't :censored: around and you can still be an actor or a jock or a millionaire.

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Post by Red Squirrel »

True. I graduated this year and after the prom we had a house party. Some people drinked and over did it and screwed themselves up for the next party which was an all nighter. I did not drink and I must say I had just as much fun as those who did, if more. Without the buzz/drunkness/hang over. :D It was my first all nighter too, and I'd do it again. :dance:

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Post by Anonymous »

Abortion is better than giving birth during classes in college then dumping the baby in a trash can. :( :angry:

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Post by Red Squirrel »

Very true... and I heard of people doing that, it's horrible. I heard stories of cutting the baby in pieces and dumping it, still half alive.

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Post by Anonymous »

Red Squirrel wrote: Very true... and I heard of people doing that, it's horrible.  I heard stories of cutting the baby in pieces and dumping it, still half alive.
Someone should have aborted YOU. :P

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Post by Red Squirrel »

Well I would rather be aborted then be killed now. Either one is not pleasent but the first is not as bad. Taking a tour of the city's drainage system sounds like fun, actually. Once apon a time there was a sperm... :P

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Post by Anonymous »

Red Squirrel wrote: Well I would rather be aborted then be killed now.  Either one is not pleasent but the first is not as bad.  Taking a tour of the city's drainage system sounds like fun, actually.  Once apon a time there was a sperm...  :P

I was supposed to be aborted...

...but one day I fell out of that disgusting hole. <_< :lol:

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Post by Red Squirrel »

Really? That's well lucky.

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Post by Raptomex »

I think it's wrong, but I'm gonna try to look at it from someone else point of view. Lets say your in your teens, smart, or gifted with something and that something is gonna take you places. Your gonna be something, actor, sports, or some business millionaire and one night you get drunk and have sex with some girl/guy you don't know. Before you know it your pregnant or the women you slept with is, and your future is in jeopardy. An easy way to just make it all go away is an abortion. And some people have no problem doing it. I do though, thats why ya gotta put that rubber on.
Why not put it up for adoption? This way nobody is getting killed.

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Post by Stasi »

Joe wrote: Red does your religion support condoms and birth control or do they view it as a sin.
There is no sin in Red's religion because as long as you accept Jesus as the Saviour, you could be some kind of sado-masochist serial killer and get to go to Heaven along with all of the decent people who don't get their jollies by cutting off people heads.

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Post by MrSelf »

Digital Scyther wrote: Why not put it up for adoption? This way nobody is getting killed.
What if that child's life is horrible because they live in an orphanage or foster home and never really develop correctly? Is that worth it? I personally think parents should have to support their children in some way. It's your decision to have sex, you must deal with the consequenses, in some form or fashion.

As far as the topic, I believe abortion is wrong. I am however pro choice. At what point do you draw the line? A sperm is alive until it dies after release from your body, that sperm would have made a living creature, now everything that sperm was going to be, is no more. A fetus is alive. So are planet, so the line must be draw around the term human When is this thing human.

From conception? From the release of sperm? From the 2nd trimester? To me, that becomes the real question. If you look at development, in the first couple weeks, the cells divide, the embryo is shaped, and life begins. At that point, it's like we are still installing software, we have gills and a tail. Somewhere along here, the brain starts to form.

I definately agree with banning abortion in the 3rd trimester except in cases of emergency, at that point, the child is fully developed and living, there can be no doubt of that. I think I brought up more points than I attempted to answered ::/ ::/

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Post by shenbaw »

I'm just gonna play the devil's advocate here, but don't you think there's something to the idea that a woman's body is a woman's body, no matter what is contained within it? Yeah, in the third trimester we understand, through science, that the child is in most respects a functioning human, but if we remove the child from the mother at that point, chances are it wouldn't survive. So really isn't it still part of the mother's body and should be her decision as far as what she wants to do with it. Who are we to look at someone's body and at a certain point take control over what can and can't be done with it? You and I have ultimate control over what we can and can't do to our bodies. We can even choose to end the life of our bodies if we want. If someone unsuccessfully attempts suicide, do we charge them with attempted murder after they recover? No. Do you see where I'm going with this? Who are we to decide when we should start protecting what is contained within someone elses body? If a pregnant woman unsuccessfully attempts suicide, should we charge her with attempted murder of her unborn child? I don't think so, but the child could technically have those rights (the right to life) according to pro-life logic.

Just thought I'd add a different perspective. :D

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Post by MrSelf »

Interesting points, but no, I don’t think there is anything to the idea that a woman’s body is a woman’s body no matter what is contained; I believe a child is a special circumstance since it cannot be formed on its own, it much have help of some kind, and by having sex, you accept that responsibility. Some points:
Yeah, in the third trimester we understand, through science, that the child is in most respects a functioning human, but if we remove the child from the mother at that point, chances are it wouldn't survive.
If we remove a child from its parents at 3 days, chances are it would die as well, or 3 months, or 3 years. Infants are in no way self-sufficient, from the time you are conceived until about 4, you are incapable of surviving on your own.
If someone unsuccessfully attempts suicide, do we charge them with attempted murder after they recover? No. Do you see where I'm going with this? Who are we to decide when we should start protecting what is contained within someone elses body? If a pregnant woman unsuccessfully attempts suicide, should we charge her with attempted murder of her unborn child? I don't think so, but the child could technically have those rights (the right to life) according to pro-life logic.
Again good points, but I disagree with the outcome. When a woman gets pregnant, minus forced cases, the pregnancy is a partnership between two people. When they copulate, they both give resources to create a new being, the woman is the carrier of that. Since males cannot carry, there has to be a protection. Does the male have no rights what so ever? If said female attempts suicide, she is doing so with something that is not entirely hers, she basically entered into a contract and then pulled out of the contract and took the work with her. Think of it in a business-sense, it is illegal to do the same in other areas, why not there? If women could get pregnant on their own, then I might tend to agree with you, but a pregnancy is bigger than just one person.

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Post by erolyn »

Red Squirrel wrote: True.  I graduated this year and after the prom we had a house party.  Some people drinked and over did it and screwed themselves up for the next party which was an all nighter.  I did not drink and I must say I had just as much fun as those who did, if more.  Without the buzz/drunkness/hang over. :D  It was my first all nighter too, and I'd do it again. :dance:
A guy I was dating got drunk after his prom, despite the fact that I and most of my friends warned him not to. Jerk.

I agree that a woman's body is her own, but if you're going to go down that road, then shouldn't suicide be legal, too? The problem with that argument, I think is that it's selfish- in saying that a woman's body is her own, she's putting herself and her interests over those of her unborn child. As a woman, I don't think that's right.

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Post by Red Squirrel »

Suicide is illegal? It makes sense since it's like murder, but how do they penalize the person? :D

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Post by MrSelf »

they find ways... <_<

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Post by Joe »

When does "it" become a he/she

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Post by Anonymous »

erolyn wrote: A guy I was dating got drunk after his prom, despite the fact that I and most of my friends warned him not to. Jerk.

I agree that a woman's body is her own, but if you're going to go down that road, then shouldn't suicide be legal, too? The problem with that argument, I think is that it's selfish- in saying that a woman's body is her own, she's putting herself and her interests over those of her unborn child. As a woman, I don't think that's right.
Erolyn, if you had a larval human groweing within you, an illegal child that you were not supposed to have, what would you do?

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Post by Bruce »

Not sure what's the whole thing with "sex for pleasure".
Your joking right?

At your age I could think of nothing else and was attempting to screw every good looking woman on the planet.

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