kids and movies

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kids and movies

Post by Minnie »

Do you think you should follow the ratings for movies that kids watch? Depending on their age? Or should you just let them watch anything that you watch?

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kids and movies

Post by Red Squirrel »

I think parants should control what their kids see, but it also depends on the kids maturaty level. The parants should judge if their kids can watch overrated movies or not and make the right decision.

Unfortunatly that's not always the case, though.

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kids and movies

Post by katinamarie72 »

I follow the ratings of shows & movies that my kids watch.

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kids and movies

Post by Anonymous »

katinamarie72 wrote: I follow the ratings of shows & movies that my kids watch.

Hey, if your kids will turn into axe murderers they will. Censoring them will not help. You need to make sure they know the difference between reality and fantasy, and that violence is not the answer to everything. But I would not reccomend "Rambo: First Blood" to a 3 year old.

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kids and movies

Post by manadren »

The ratings can be a good guide to what is in movies, in the event that you have no clue what a movie is about or what's in it, otherwise I'd say it should be a judgement call by the parent. The maturity of children vary, and the important things are that the kid knows the difference between fantasy and reality, can understand the context of the movie, and won't be too frightened or disturbed by the images in the movie. There are those that are mature well beyond what the MPAA suggests, and there are those, I'm sure, that are still not ready for a movie, even if the rating says it's ok for thier age.

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kids and movies

Post by wldkos »

I say be a good role model to your kids and they'll know better than to believe anything on tv for more than what it's worth. Tv and movies shouldn't be baby sitters.

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kids and movies

Post by Cisco_Kid »

some of it depends on how the children are raised. I very rarely heard profanity growing up and never have at my parent's place, but I remember one of the girls I went to high school with saying that her 5 year old nephew knew every word in the book.

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