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Post by Anonymous »

ok im doing a snakes and ladders game and i dont know how to make dice and i dont know how to make it so when you land on a green square you go up to the next square this is what i have :( i know its bad but please help today!!! if you want you can add me on msn seanagahon@hotmail.com or e-mail me at the adress

var ft, snake : int
var n : string
var ladder : int
var menu : int
var options : int
options := Pic.FileNew ("menuoptions.jpg")
menu := Pic.FileNew ("menu.jpg")
ladder := Pic.FileNew ("ladder.jpg")
snake := Pic.FileNew ("snake.jpg")
var userinput : int
var ft1 : int
ft1 := Font.New ("chiller:16")
var ur, e : string (1)

proc quitscreen
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, 1000, 1000, brightgreen)
Draw.Text ("I guess you dont want to play my sweet game =(", 0, 350, ft1, 112)
Draw.Text ("Have Fun And Come Back Again =)", 0, 330, ft1, 112)
Draw.Text ("Press enter to return to menu", 0, 310, ft1, 112)
end quitscreen

proc titlescreen
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, 1000, 1000, brightgreen)
var x, y : int
var title : string
title := "Snakes And Ladders"

x := 150
y := 350
ft := Font.New ("harrington:30")
for j : 1 .. length (title)
for k : 1 .. 8
Draw.Text (title (j), x, y, ft, 13)
delay (100)
exit when y < 220
Draw.FillBox (x, y, x + 32, y + 32, brightgreen)
y := y - 20
end for
x := x + 20
y := 350

end for

end titlescreen

proc intstructions
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, 1000, 1000, 41)
Draw.Text ("Use The <-- and --> up arrow keys to move your peice after the dice rolls.", 0, 340, ft1, brightgreen)
Draw.Text ("Only move the peice the number that the dice shows.", 0, 280, ft1, brightgreen)
Draw.Text ("The objective for this game is to reach the top of the board.", 0, 300, ft1, brightgreen)
Draw.Text ("The green squares make you go up and the red ones make you go down", 0, 320, ft1, brightgreen)
Draw.Text ("This is only a two player game (both human players), Press enter when Done Moveing", 0, 360, ft1, brightgreen)
Draw.Text ("Press enter when your turn is complete..........", 0, 260, ft1, brightgreen)
end intstructions

proc piece (x, y, clr1, clr2 : int)
Draw.FillOval (x, y, 20, 20, clr1)
Draw.FillStar (x - 17, y - 15, x + 20, y + 20, clr2)
end piece

proc piece2 (x, y, clr1, clr2 : int)
Draw.FillOval (x, y, 20, 20, clr1)
Draw.FillStar (x - 17, y - 15, x + 20, y + 20, clr2)
end piece2

proc names
Draw.Text ("Type in player ones name: ", 150, 300, ft1, blue)
get n : *
Draw.FillBox (0, 400, 360, 360, white)
Draw.Text (" Hello " + n, 320, 300, ft1, 43)
var f : string

var ft2 : int

ft2 := Font.New ("tremor:16")

Draw.Text ("Type in player twos name: ", 150, 150, ft2, blue)
get f : *
Draw.FillBox (0, 400, 360, 320, white)
Draw.Text (" Hello " + f, 395, 150, ft2, 13)
end names

proc gameboard

var x, x2, y2, y : int
x := 90
y := 360

for j : 1 .. 85
Draw.FillBox (x, y, x + 40, y + 40, red)
Draw.Box (x, y, x + 40, y + 40, yellow)
x := x + 40
if x >= 510 then
y := y - 40
x := 90
end if
Draw.FillBox (x, y, x + 40, y + 40, black)
Draw.Box (x, y, x + 40, y + 40, yellow)
x := x + 40
if x >= 510 then
y := y - 40
x := 90
end if
end for

%Red Squares (down)
Draw.Fill (100, 440, brightred, yellow)
Draw.Fill (140, 100, brightred, yellow)
Draw.Fill (180, 140, brightred, yellow)
Draw.Fill (220, 180, brightred, yellow)
Draw.Fill (260, 220, brightred, yellow)
%Green Squares (up)
Draw.Fill (140, 20, brightgreen, yellow)
Draw.Fill (500, 140, brightgreen, yellow)
Draw.Fill (220, 300, brightgreen, yellow)
Draw.Fill (260, 50, brightgreen, yellow)
Draw.Fill (300, 150, brightgreen, yellow)

end gameboard

proc winscreen
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, 1000, 1000, 13)
var x, y, x1, y2 : int
ft := Font.New ("Jokerman:40")
Draw.Text ("Omfg0rz you won!!!", 50, 20, ft, red)
x := 20
y := 300
for j : 1 .. 12
Pic.Draw (snake, x, y, picCopy)
x := x + 100
if x >= 600 then
y := y - 188
x := 20
end if
end for
y2 := 200
x1 := 0
for k : 1 .. 8
Pic.Draw (ladder, x1, y2, picCopy)
x1 := x1 + 81
end for

end winscreen

proc gameplay
var x, y, clr : int
var ky : string (1)
%Player 1 move his/her piece across up and down
x := 110
y := 20
piece (x, y, green, yellow)
getch (ky)
piece (x, y, white, white) %Erase the piece
exit when ord (ky) = 10
if ord (ky) = 205 then
x := x + 40
elsif ord (ky) = 203 then
x := x - 40
elsif ord (ky) = 200 then
y := y + 40
elsif ord (ky) = 208 then
y := y - 40
end if

end loop

%Player 2 moves left and right up and down
x := 110
y := 20
piece (x, y, blue, red)
getch (ky)
piece (x, y, white, white) %Erase the piece
exit when ord (ky) = 10
if ord (ky) = 205 then
x := x + 40
elsif ord (ky) = 203 then
x := x - 40
elsif ord (ky) = 200 then
y := y + 40
elsif ord (ky) = 200 then
y := y - 40
end if

end loop

end loop
end gameplay

proc menu1
var ft3 : int
ft3 := Font.New ("Harrington:25")
Pic.Draw (menu, 100, 50, 0)
Pic.Draw (options, 200, 70, 0)
View.Set ("nocursor")
Draw.Text ("Extreme Snakes And Freaking Ladders!!!!", 25, 350, ft3, 41)
getch (ur)
if ord (ur) = 49 then
intstructions %(instructions)
getch (ur)
exit when hasch
elsif ord (ur) = 50 then
gameplay %(the game)

elsif ord (ur) = 51 then
quitscreen %(decided not to play)
getch (ur)
if ord (ur) = 10 then
exit when hasch
end if
%else ord (ur) = then
%Draw.FillBox (0, 0, 640, 400, black)
end if
end loop
end menu1

end loop

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4384, old post ID:35321