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Computer builds, hardware and software discussion or troubleshooting, including peripherals. Essentially a general place to talk about desktop computers.
color (2)
put "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "yes"
if answer = "no" then
put " "
color (blue)
put " Do you use the term NOOB? yes or no"
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "yes" then
put " When you get a headshot kill in a first person shoot, do you say BOOOOM HEADSHOT? Yes or No "
get answer
exit when answer = "No"
if answer = "yes" then
put " When you here the word camping do you instantly thinking about campers in a FPS? Yes or No"
get answer
exit when answer = "No"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " The first thing that comes to your mind when you here CS is.. (1) Computer Science or (2) Counter-Strike"
get answer
exit when answer = "1"
if answer = "2" then
put " Do you run around your house pretending you're hold a guy and make gun sounds and say I can dance all day I can dance all day try hitting him noob? Yes or No"
get answer
exit when answer = " No"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " When you see a gun in a movie can you recognize it right away? yes or no"
color (red)
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "yes" then
%Ask the 7th question
color (blue)
put " "
put "Your third question is.."
put "which of these reason do you think is the best reason you play FPS? Choose from 1 to 5 "
color (100)
"(1)Hockey not violent and bloody enough (2)Not enough people shooting at you on slight in real life (3) I just want to blow something up (4)Already got kicked out of the real army (5) I'm just bored and want to play something : "
get answer
exit when answer = "(5) I'm bored and want to play something"
if answer = "1" then
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
elsif answer = "2" then
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
elsif answer = "3" then
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
elsif answer = "4" then
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
color (red)
get answer
if answer = " World War 2" then
put " Your battlefield game is Battlefield 1942 and you played the game? Yes or No"
get answer
exit when answer = " No"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " If you have made it this far you are 100% addicted to first person shooters"
color (2)
put "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " Now don't you feel better for telling the truth?"
if answer = " Vietnam War" then
put " Your Battlefield game is Battleifield Vietnam have you play this game? Yes or No"
get answer
exit when answer = " No"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " If you have made it this far you are 100% addicted to first person shooters"
color (2)
put "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " Now don't you feel better for telling the truth?"
if answer = "Iraq War" then
put " Your Battlefield game is Battlefield 2 have you played this game? Yes or No "
get answer
exit when answer = " No"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " If you have made it this far you are 100% addicted to first person shooters"
color (2)
put "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " Now don't you feel better for telling the truth?"
end if
end loop [code]
Can someone fix it up and post it back here please? :thumbsup:
[color=#888888][size=85]Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4308, old post ID:34725[/size][/color]
You need to close your conditional statements. You left at least 10 of them opened. Whenever you open a statement such as:
If condition then
you need to close it with
end if
same idea with loops. If you don't close them, you'll get a syntax error and you'll have a hell of a time finding which statement you forgot to close. Best programming practice is to write the bare bones of your statements before you fill them with code:
If (your condition here) then
end if
then you don't have to worry about syntax errors due to forgetting to close your statements.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4308, old post ID:34727
If possible can you do it for me please and post it back here, I alreayd tried putting end if after everytime I use an if statement and still it doesn't work.
edit: or you could just tell me the excat place to put end if.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4308, old post ID:34728
Sorry, I don't rewrite other people's coding. You'll learn the language better if you code it yourself. Debugging is a part of programming and even though it can be a pain in the ass, you learn from your mistakes. What I suggest to do is attempt at closing those opened statements. Make a count of how many IF statements you have, write them down, and while reading your program, if you come across the place where your statement should have ended, insert your "end if" statement and scratch that number off your list. If that doesn't work, you can try commenting out the portion of your program that's causing problems and concentrate on creating the conditions before adding the content into your statements. Example
If condition then
if condition 2 then
end if
if condition 3 then
else if condition 4 then
end if
end if
Create the bones of the statement then you can just copy and paste your content in between afterwards. Hope this helps.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4308, old post ID:34729
for column : 1 .. 80
locate (1, column)
put "*" ..
end for
for row : 2 .. 16
locate (row, 1)
put "*" ..
locate (row, 80)
put "*" ..
end for
for column : 1 .. 80
locate (17, column)
put "*" ..
end for
for row : 18 .. 24
locate (row, 1)
put "*" ..
locate (row, 80)
put "*" ..
end for
for column : 1 .. 80
locate (25, column)
put "*" ..
end for
color (2)
put "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "yes"
if answer = "no" then
end if
put " "
color (blue)
put " Do you use the term NOOB? yes or no"
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "yes" then
end if
put " When you get a headshot kill in a first person shoot, do you say BOOOOM HEADSHOT? Yes or No "
get answer
exit when answer = "No"
if answer = "yes" then
end if
put " When you here the word camping do you instantly thinking about campers in a FPS? Yes or No"
get answer
exit when answer = "No"
if answer = "Yes" then
end if
put " The first thing that comes to your mind when you here CS is.. (1) Computer Science or (2) Counter-Strike"
get answer
exit when answer = "1"
if answer = "2" then
end if
put " Do you run around your house pretending you're hold a guy and make gun sounds and say I can dance all day I can dance all day try hitting him noob? Yes or No"
get answer
exit when answer = " No"
if answer = "Yes" then
end if put " When you see a gun in a movie can you recognize it right away? yes or no"
color (red)
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "yes" then
end if
%Ask the 7th question
color (blue)
put " "
put "Your third question is.."
put "which of these reason do you think is the best reason you play FPS? Choose from 1 to 5 "
color (100)
"(1)Hockey not violent and bloody enough (2)Not enough people shooting at you on slight in real life (3) I just want to blow something up (4)Already got kicked out of the real army (5) I'm just bored and want to play something : "
get answer
exit when answer = "(5) I'm bored and want to play something"
if answer = "1" then
end if
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
elsif answer = "2" then
end if
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
elsif answer = "3" then
end if
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
elsif answer = "4" then
end if
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
color (red)
get answer
if answer = " World War 2" then
end if
put " Your battlefield game is Battlefield 1942 and you played the game? Yes or No"
get answer
exit when answer = " No"
if answer = "Yes" then
end if
put " If you have made it this far you are 100% addicted to first person shooters"
color (2)
put "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "Yes" then
end if
put " Now don't you feel better for telling the truth?"
if answer = " Vietnam War" then
end if put " Your Battlefield game is Battleifield Vietnam have you play this game? Yes or No"
get answer
exit when answer = " No"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " If you have made it this far you are 100% addicted to first person shooters"
end if
color (2)
put "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "Yes" then
end if put " Now don't you feel better for telling the truth?"
if answer = "Iraq War" then
put " Your Battlefield game is Battlefield 2 have you played this game? Yes or No "
get answer
exit when answer = " No"
if answer = "Yes" then
end if
put " If you have made it this far you are 100% addicted to first person shooters"
color (2)
put "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " Now don't you feel better for telling the truth?"
end if
end loop[code]
[color=#888888][size=85]Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4308, old post ID:34730[/size][/color]
if answer = "1" then
end if
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
elsif answer = "2" then
end if
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
elsif answer = "3" then
end if
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
elsif answer = "4" then
end if
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
Your conditional statement is constructed incorrectly. It should be like this:
if condition then
elsif condition then
end if
The way elsif works is it's a part of the same conditional statement. Seeing as it's part of the same statement, you don't need to end if each elsif statement (In this language at least). Think of it this way:
if condition then
%comments....to show spacing
elsif condition2 then
elsif condition3 then
end if
See how I only used one end if for that whole statement? This is due to the fact that elsifs are sub-conditions to the "main" condition. If your first condition fails, it checks your next elsif, if that fails, checks the next, and so on.
Your program uses alot of loop and conditional nesting (loops inside loops inside loops, or if's inside if statements inside if statements) which can be a good thing, but the more nested your program becomes, the more complex it can be to read (especially if there's an error somewhere).
Also, make sure at the end of your program, you close your loops. Same idea goes for loops:
%Content in here <---
end loop
for each loop, you need to close it, just like if statements.
[color=#888888][size=85]Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4308, old post ID:34732[/size][/color]
I have no idea where I'm missing the closing statements, after I add that in and take out the extra end if will my program run? BTW thanks for the help.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4308, old post ID:34734
I'm getting these but more like 9 messages.
elsif without matching if
syntax error at if expected end loop
exit can be used only in a loop ir for statement
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4308, old post ID:34736
I'm getting these but more like 9 messages.
elsif without matching if
syntax error at if expected end loop
exit can be used only in a loop ir for statement
Yup, your statements are either missing, or not constructed properly. Possible reasons is you might have an elsif statement that is outside a condition statement or does not have a parent if statement. Remember that in conditional statements, you cannot use elsif without a primary "if condition then" statement. The second error suggests that you closed your loop before you closed your if statement. You might have added them in, but they are in the wrong order. Also, exit when can only be used while you are inside a loop. Exit when is a special condition where you immediately exit the loop you are in, if the statement evaluates as being true. Exit when will not jump you out of conditional statements.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4308, old post ID:34737
You have some major problems. The End If doesn't need to go directly after the if statement. It goes after all what should happen if the conditions of that if statement are "true".
if 1+1=2
put "1+1=2"
end if
if 1+1=3
put "1+1=3"
end if
1+1=2, obviously, so on the output screen you'd see "1+1=2". 1+1 doesn't equal 3, obviously, so all the code inside that if statement is skipped completely.
Also, about elsif:
if 1+1=2
put "Hi!"
elsif 2+2=4
put "Hello!"
end if
elsif needs to be nested inside an existing if statement, and it acts exactly as an else statement, and an if statement.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4308, old post ID:36762