Javascript Tutorial

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Javascript Tutorial

Post by Anonymous »

Hey great tutorial. Really works except I have 1 question if you dont mind. I want to add an align right button similar to the one on devshed forms where the image is the classic microsoft alight right button. When I click on the bottom it automatically submits the script. Does anyone have any fixes? Thanks

I could make it into a smile but i wouldnt know how to have it give the close option. Can someone help me with that. Thanks

The first 3 work because they arnt images. The 4th which is the image doesnt work.

Code: Select all

                <input type="button" src="images/icons/justifyleft.gif" class="button" value="left" name="left" onclick="java-script tag('left', '[left]', 'left*', '[/left]', 'left', 'left');" 

onMouseOver="helpline('left')" />
                <input type="button" src="images/icons/justifycenter.gif" class="button" value="center" name="center" onclick="java-script tag('center', '[center]', 'center*', 

'[/center]', 'center', 'center');" onMouseOver="helpline('center')" />
                <input type="button" src="images/icons/justifyright.gif" class="button" value="right" name="right" onclick="java-script tag('right', '[right]', 'right*', '[/right]', 

'right', 'right');" onMouseOver="helpline('right')" />

                <input type="image" src="images/icons/justifyright.gif" class="button" value="right" name="right" onclick="java-script tag('right', '[right]', 'right*', '[/right]', 

'right', 'right');" onMouseOver="helpline('right')" />[code] 

[color=#888888][size=85]Archived topic from Iceteks,  old topic ID:3247, old post ID:37722[/size][/color]

Javascript Tutorial

Post by Anonymous »

Hello! Help solve the problem.
Very often try to enter the forum, but says that the password is not correct.
Regrettably use of remembering. Give like to be?
Thank you!

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3247, old post ID:38091
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Red Squirrel
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Javascript Tutorial

Post by Red Squirrel »

Force be with you, always!

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3247, old post ID:38097
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!

Javascript Tutorial

Post by Anonymous »

I have followed the article and have noticed there are errors that I don't know how to fix.

I have used the exact code as provided in the article.

The first error I was able to fix which was a backslash in <textarea> which was missing but this is the main error.

When I type a word in the text area and I want to do some formatting such as bold or italic, th ewhole word is not highlighted with the start and end tags such as some words (supposed to be the tags in there) but instead it just does some words .

One other question which is probably really stupid but is the second article the php file which is called when you preview what you have written?

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3247, old post ID:38145

Javascript Tutorial

Post by Anonymous »

i looke at
i really like this text editor

but i dont know how to use it, cos i just new in PHP
could you please tell me how to use that with SQL , cos i want to have this text editor.

and in your html code :
<form action="bbcode.php" method="post" name="editform" onsubmit="return checkForm(this)">
i also dont know how to create bbcode.php , to run the form ...

please , please help me, i really need it
Thank you, Thank you so much

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3247, old post ID:38863