what size is the pixel count in the image its self.
is it over 600 pixels
or is it less then 100 pixels?
dont know what version of winamp your making the skin for i made winamp 2 skins.
but the pixelation is caused by enlargeing a image that has too little amount of pixels to start with.
if your making an image to inlarge it is always best to save it with at least 600 pixels as a tiff image since tiff is uncompressed. you can use bmp but that is only depenet on the type that the program requires.
i think winamp wants bmp or gif.
the same is also true when shrinking the image the more pixels and colors to chose from the better.
you might want to try using ms picture it.
last i heard about 3 years ago they did some trickery with the software that makes the image lose that pixel look when resized that the other programs did not use.
i had thought it was long enoungh now that the other programs caught up but maybe not?
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2092, old post ID:17917