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Red Squirrel wrote:They still hit if your hidden? They should not, thats never been coded. unless its an area attack like the crystal daemons, since any area attack hits hidden players and its always been that way.
And excuse my lack of appostrophes, firefox decided it would be cool to map that key to the search feature making the page jump all over the place if I try to use it. :
That ":" reminds me of a certain emo person... lol.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:727, old post ID:4843
Red Squirrel wrote:They still hit if your hidden? They should not, thats never been coded. unless its an area attack like the crystal daemons, since any area attack hits hidden players and its always been that way.
And excuse my lack of appostrophes, firefox decided it would be cool to map that key to the search feature making the page jump all over the place if I try to use it. :
I know that Humus will hit you with firebreath while you are hidden. Also, almincrus will just walk towards you and will melee hit you while hidden, unhiding you in the process (even though combat mode is not enabled and almincrus is not targetted). Maybe this only happens to tamers?
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:727, old post ID:4845
Red Squirrel wrote:They still hit if your hidden? They should not, thats never been coded. unless its an area attack like the crystal daemons, since any area attack hits hidden players and its always been that way.
And excuse my lack of appostrophes, firefox decided it would be cool to map that key to the search feature making the page jump all over the place if I try to use it. :
I know that Humus will hit you with firebreath while you are hidden. Also, almincrus will just walk towards you and will melee hit you while hidden, unhiding you in the process (even though combat mode is not enabled and almincrus is not targetted). Maybe this only happens to tamers?
The firebreath makes sense. Would be amazingly funny If It killed his minions though. lol
Almincrus tracked me down from his spawn location to where the tentacles spawn, but second I hid, he stopped. (not a tamer, woot)
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:727, old post ID:4848
Red Squirrel wrote:They still hit if your hidden? They should not, thats never been coded. unless its an area attack like the crystal daemons, since any area attack hits hidden players and its always been that way.
And excuse my lack of appostrophes, firefox decided it would be cool to map that key to the search feature making the page jump all over the place if I try to use it. :
That ":" reminds me of a certain emo person... lol.
Yeah I was going to do :/ but the / kept making firefox try to search like ' did. Now it *seems* ok....
I'll look into the breath thing, thats actually a base creature edit in the dragon breath code and I probably missed skipping invisible and !InLOS people.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:727, old post ID:4850
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!