On a busy shard if you have no tamer, or in my case are a lousy tamer, you can find someone to buy what you need.
Would it be possible to expand the Animal Trainer or have some sort of elite version of them that sells things like Swamp Dragons, Beetles, Hiyru, Cu Sidhe, Dragons, Greater Dragons, and anything else worth having but difficult to tame that I might have forgotten? Could be a nice gold sink too. Maybe there would be a few of them around the land but they'd only carry one of each at a time, or certain ones would have some pets, like a Dragon Master would sell dragon varieties and someone else would sell Beetles, Fire Steeds, Nightmares etc (mounts) and so on.
Anyway, just a thought. Could be as simple or as elaborate as you want/have time for.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6849, old post ID:39594
Pet Vendor
Pet Vendor

I didn't choose the Fel life, the Fel life chose me.
Pet Vendor
That could probably be arranged, the difficulty would lie in the pricing of the pets though, as well as variety in stats so would have to find an algorithm for it or have it completely random (buy a pet statue, crack it and see what you get....similar to the pets in crystals that you could buy).ggkthx wrote:On a busy shard if you have no tamer, or in my case are a lousy tamer, you can find someone to buy what you need.
Would it be possible to expand the Animal Trainer or have some sort of elite version of them that sells things like Swamp Dragons, Beetles, Hiyru, Cu Sidhe, Dragons, Greater Dragons, and anything else worth having but difficult to tame that I might have forgotten? Could be a nice gold sink too. Maybe there would be a few of them around the land but they'd only carry one of each at a time, or certain ones would have some pets, like a Dragon Master would sell dragon varieties and someone else would sell Beetles, Fire Steeds, Nightmares etc (mounts) and so on.
Anyway, just a thought. Could be as simple or as elaborate as you want/have time for.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6849, old post ID:39596
Pet Vendor
pet statues and getting random values would probably be the easiest route no? seems best for me... could I suggest this be a higher priced deal and when you crack they are insta bonded? like in the millions gold range for good stuff like cu/greater/custom mob. that way it justifies being bonded.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6849, old post ID:39599
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6849, old post ID:39599
Pet Vendor
I'd much rather have it be cheaper and bond it myself. Shrug.Shanks wrote:pet statues and getting random values would probably be the easiest route no? seems best for me... could I suggest this be a higher priced deal and when you crack they are insta bonded? like in the millions gold range for good stuff like cu/greater/custom mob. that way it justifies being bonded.
You can always buy a pet bonding deed

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6849, old post ID:39601

I didn't choose the Fel life, the Fel life chose me.
Pet Vendor
You can buy lame pets already, dog, horse, pack llama, etc.Death wrote:
That could probably be arranged, the difficulty would lie in the pricing of the pets though, as well as variety in stats so would have to find an algorithm for it or have it completely random (buy a pet statue, crack it and see what you get....similar to the pets in crystals that you could buy).
Do those all spawn with the same stats? Never really thought about it.
But whatever random range like if they spawned from a spawned would be doable, no?
I don't think they should be crazy expensive (See: random artifact deed, 15mil LOL) but not super cheap either since it's throwing gold at the problem rather than doing it yourself.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6849, old post ID:39602

I didn't choose the Fel life, the Fel life chose me.