I bought a 3kva variac

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Red Squirrel
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I bought a 3kva variac

Post by Red Squirrel »

Total impulse purchase.

Should be fun to play with. :P

https://www.ebay.ca/itm/3-KVA-Variac-va ... 2749.l2649

Been wanting to mess with AC-DC converter design so figure this will be a good way to test my designs with a lower voltage and slowly rev it up instead of giving it 120 right off the bat.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6733, old post ID:39171
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Red Squirrel
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I bought a 3kva variac

Post by Red Squirrel »

Came in the other day, it's a big beast!


I also ordered a 1,500va transformer to go with it so I can get a proper isolated output. Important if testing stuff with a scope. The transformer I ordered happens to be a step up transformer so it can go up to 480v if I recall, but with the variac I will be able to set it to what I want. Or I can see what it takes to make things pop. :twisted:

Think I will eventually combine the two in some kind of big case and have some electronic controls on the front. Essentially it will be an unregulated variable AC "bench" supply.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6733, old post ID:39175
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Red Squirrel
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I bought a 3kva variac

Post by Red Squirrel »

Also bought a big ass transformer.


Bought it for isolation as it makes working on mains safer, but it also happens to be a centre tapped step up transformer, so a big beast! With the variac it will go from 0 to about 500v.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6733, old post ID:39178
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