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Seer Death wrote:We can arrange a meeting sometime around thursday or friday to analyze the potential and increase damages if necessary. I'll check around in game. You can pm me your character names.
I hope you mean mean decrease the damages.
To answer red's question, D.'s dexxer loler is max stats, max skills, all the top arties. The damage is a bit too high, and is very unbalanced when comparing it to our mages of equal 120's, top gear, and one of us trying to heal/kill the dexxer.
Was referring to magery, not weapons. As in keeping the SDI up to par. It will either be increased or decreased depending on which is the most valid.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:2480, old post ID:15977
And loler is one type of dexxer archer. Necro-Archer. But, I have been playing UO since beta, and I have spent time on top as well (Although I truly only excelled at mage Pre-AoS, I never liked a lot of AoS pvp because if you want true skill based PvP, you play Pre-AoS, in a non item based combat system, because Arties =/= Skill). But my main is also artied out in a top notch suit and with maxxed out skills. The difference is that I don't believe that all archer's are broken because your Necro-Archer template may be.
Just because you found one version of an archer may now be over powered does not mean that all archer types are. After 120 Archer/Tact/Anat (Thew basis of calling a template an Archer) there are 340 points left to make your character. And because the one you use is "in God-Mode" you are screaming archer is broken. Maybe it's not archer itself but the combonation you use with it that is the problem (IE maybe Necro is Broken when used in this combo).
And no I'm not saying that we are trying to creat a completely random system in which there is no skill involved. I am saying that there should be a chance in any combonation or people fighting in which the "underdog" does have a chance to win. If we build it so that mages and only mages when they have even some skill and only a half decent suit, will always win, then the system is unblanaced. Someone who dedicated months to building a dexxer suit should not be outclassed beyond all hope of winning just because someone is a half decent mage and in suit they threw together in 2 weeks.
I mean, saying that mages are the end-all of template simply because they take a lot of skills to play IS biased. I'm not saying that a good dedicated mage shouldn't be capable of killing most people. But this game isn't only for people who dedicated their life for the last ten years to learning how to play a UO mage. It is full of people have spent time learning other sides of the game, and for it to be impossible or seemingly impossible for them to kill a good mage, especially if they have dedicated time and effort into learning the ins and outs of their class for years and outfitting their character in a good suit of their own, is one of the main reasons no one wants to PvP anymore. Which is part of what makes UO PvP user unfriendly, in order to have any chance of winning, we say you need to have years of practice at playing only this one type of character.
I mean, one of the reason's I quit UO almost every time, is because players like you win. Mages are put back on top of the heap, and made into un touchable demi god once you are willing to put years into practice, and dexxers even if they put years in to practicing and learning the ins and outs of combat from a different perspective are all called newbs and people say that the only real skilled class is mage. But in reality while mages are one type of PvP character, it should be possible for other templates to florish.[/i]
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:2480, old post ID:15979
I totally agree with you plastic, but what we are saying is that dexxers like d's "loler" are unreal. BTW, he dosen't have necro or archery anymore, hes playing a different template. Like D. said, we have tested pretty much every viable dexxer and mage template on here.
And there is always a chance for a skilled mage to loose to a less skilled dexxer, it's called lag or the dexxer getting lucky and hitting each swing. A skilled mage though is much much harder to play than a dexxer. I can play both, and when on a dexxer it's a breeze compared to playing a mage.
Plastic, I am not saying dexxers need to be nerfed to be useless, but when loler is on later ask to see his damage, you will be shocked to see what happens.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:2480, old post ID:15982
The reason I was using Necro is because he used it to "prove" that all dexxers are overpowered using he EO formula. Which is unreal, as not all dexxers are like that.
And I was saying that a skilled dexxer (Yes, there IS such a thing) should at least stand a chance against a skilled mage. The way it came across at first was that the desire was for mages to be able to tank a dexxer standing still. Where if a dexxer does manage to hit you 3 times consecutively with special shots and such, a mage shouldn't be able to out heal it, or else they would never die.
And from experience, hitting a mage with 45 DCI 3 times in a row is NOT going to happen every time, and if a dexxer can not hit three consecutive shots in a row, they will probably die.
The skill in a dexxer is in field fights. Knowing when to run, knowing when to rush, and knowing your way around every obstancle in the enviroment you are in, in order to close and withdraw when you need to, faster than your opponent can. And learning how to fight with less tools at your disposal can take just as much time as learning to fight with tons of tools at your disposal. I mean working with limited reasources and winning is a very realistic handicap, in spite of all the hype about a mage taking more skill to play.
I have played both Mage and Dexxer. Half of the reason I play a dexxer is it IS an uphill battle. You have less options at your disposal and you must learn to use every one you DO have to the best effect. You have less variations with which to meet adverse conditions, so you have to learn to adapt what you DO have to fit MORE situations.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:2480, old post ID:15995
This is true plastic, you make excellent points. However, I will let you know that my dexxer does not use evil omen and is 1-2 hit killing all of my/damien characters we are testing it against. I am finding things that need to be capped and tweaked before it effects the majority of the shard (ei, me running around 1-2 hit killing everyone, and everyone calling me a hacker, even though it's just a simple flaw in the current caps). I'm not trying to insult dexxers, I'm just trying to point some stuff out. When we meet in game plastic you will see what I am talking about and what is wrong with the character template i came up with.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:2480, old post ID:16004