Today's Roller Coaster of Events.

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Today's Roller Coaster of Events.

Post by Vixen » I was thinking of how I was going to title this for you all...

Russ And Gena's Little Black Cloud Never Strays Too Far
Black Cloud Strikes Again
We Have Another Dependant- His Name is Black Cloud (May as well add him to the family)

But! Just before I was able to sit down and write the email a miracle happened....and my faith in humanity was restored.

Here's the story;

So our Saturday started out wonderful, we met up with Bret (a vintage vespa rider we met online) and he took us on a nice ride through Pasadena and Glendale near the Rose Bowl area...during that ride, we finally became concerned enough about my severely bald rear tire that we decided to head out to the closest Vespa Dealership (Pomona) to spend what little money we have right now to get it replaced.

We headed out, but stopped at our new bank here in Pasadena, to pull out the last of our money available to us currently and make our way through the urban streets...through several cities and such...until we came upon a Sheriff Check Point...we see a sign that states "please have your drivers license ready" -we both reach for our wallets. Russ can't find his...he JUST had it- JUST put the last of our money IN IT. ...turned off the bike and looked in the Pet Carrier (storage area) - not there. Re-checked ALL pockets...nothing. The last we saw of it was back 40 minutes ago after he withdrew the cash.

Sheriff see's that I have mine and gives Russ the benefit of the doubt and tells us to go look for the wallet-- we spend two hours retracing our route- desperately scouring the streets and gutters PRAYING that no one noticed the wallet fall.

At some point- we are discuss what all is in the wallet---credit cards, I.D.'s and OUR RENT MONEY ORDERS!! <---yea OUR RENT in MO form! Pardon my french- but HOLY crap...just WONDERFUL. We desperately try another stab at finding it and then give up and begin making the necessary calls. Oh by the way, our rent is due tomorrow-AND they charge 10% for being late!!!! ARGH! Russ nearly threw up...and I was doing my very best at not losing it- which I may add- I did VERY well (for me). we get home and just as we start to research the number of one of our credit cards...and I log on to write you all of our new[est] event. *sigh* And then Russ' cell phone rings- it is the Sheriff's Dept and they have his wallet. The money orders and cash and everything is ALL there!

GOOD PEOPLE STILL EXIST...can you believe?!!? We took the Jetta this time- to San Gabriel where an 'honest man' that 'didnt want to be contacted' turned it in. The Sheriffs did research, sent out Riverside Sheriff to the old address and such- ended up finding a phone number off the back of Harry & David's Store business card...Wow! no new tire today- but our faith in humanity has been restored for sure!

...question of the day; "So, where do you store YOUR wallet (while riding your scoot)?"

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Gena -lost in Pasadena.
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Today's Roller Coaster of Events.

Post by Bookworm »

Wow. I'm glad everything worked out.

I always keep my wallet in my right front pocket, and put it on my nightstand overnight.

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Today's Roller Coaster of Events.

Post by Red Squirrel »

Wow that is good. It's sad to think that lot of people would of simply just took it and kept the money and got rid of the rest (evidence) and move on with their lives.

I dont carry a wallet because I'm scared I loose it, or something like that happends. I just take the money/cards I need, and put it in my pockets. When I was in the states to see a nascar race I had 100 bucks in each pocket and it was my spending money. Needed both Canadien and US currency for the trip so made good use of both pockets. :D

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Today's Roller Coaster of Events.

Post by Stasi »

Looks like the kind of crap that gets forwarded a million times through people's email. I don't buy it.

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Today's Roller Coaster of Events.

Post by Vixen »

Stasi wrote: Looks like the kind of crap that gets forwarded a million times through people's email.  I don't buy it.

Heh. I wish I didnt have to go through it- I dont need this kind of stress. It happened...just delivered the money order/rent to the office an hour ago. BTW, I am not religious and I am not fond of those chain emails either-I just wanted to share what we went through...sorry-Im newly unemployed and bored as hell. -so sue me. :nana:

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Gena -lost in Pasadena.
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Today's Roller Coaster of Events.

Post by Clueless »

i keep my wallet in my purse, and i always keep my purse with me when i go out.

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Today's Roller Coaster of Events.

Post by Stasi »

Vixen wrote:
Stasi wrote: Looks like the kind of crap that gets forwarded a million times through people's email.  I don't buy it.

Heh. I wish I didnt have to go through it- I dont need this kind of stress. It happened...just delivered the money order/rent to the office an hour ago. BTW, I am not religious and I am not fond of those chain emails either-I just wanted to share what we went through...sorry-Im newly unemployed and bored as hell. -so sue me. :nana:
Alright. Better get a good lawyer!

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Today's Roller Coaster of Events.

Post by Vixen »

Stasi wrote: Alright.  Better get a good lawyer!
I'll be in Pro Per.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:2903, old post ID:51719
Gena -lost in Pasadena.