Will evil killer robots take over the world?

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Red Squirrel
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Will evil killer robots take over the world?

Post by Red Squirrel »

Because it's happening today... Most robots don't exactly have the AI we see in movies like I,Robot (I just seen that now and it made me think :D ) but most robots DO have an AI. Look at the robots that do the log categorization in mills. They are capable of detecting each log going by at incredible speeds and give it a number from 1 to 3 on the wood quality. This is artificial intelligence, and if it goes wrong, it can do very bad, such as directing the logs at the wrong place, such as in a path to destruct people.

Most robots that have AI are designed for a single purpose, but there are segments of code that could be buggy (especially if people like M$ programmers decide to give it a shot and design a robot OS) and this will make it so they have secrets, secrets that will redefine their sole purpose, and make their purpose, to kill. *scary music*

So what do you think? :D

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Will evil killer robots take over the world?

Post by Red Squirrel »

Man I would so laugh if one of those charity ads said something like "help save the world from robots" or something like that. :lol:

Actually, I've always wanted to design a AI interface, that would be so cool!

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Will evil killer robots take over the world?

Post by Bookworm »

You are really stretching to find debate topics, aren't you? Now I am going to dream about robot-controlled logs on the path to my destruction.

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Will evil killer robots take over the world?

Post by Red Squirrel »


Robots will evolve and not only use their own AI on their own self, but transfer it over to other robots... we are doomed! doomed!!! Imagine, a robot-controlled 1 Kton crane going out of control...

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Will evil killer robots take over the world?

Post by Bookworm »

Maybe the robots will keep us as pets and find ways to cure all our diseases and keep us fed and laugh at us when we play with our people toys.

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Will evil killer robots take over the world?

Post by Stasi »

Bookworm wrote: You are really stretching to find debate topics, aren't you? Now I am going to dream about robot-controlled logs on the path to my destruction.
Hey, at least this one doesn't have anything to do with homosexuality, religion, or any other similar controversies.

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Will evil killer robots take over the world?

Post by Red Squirrel »

That's the next issue, is it possible for robots to be homosexual? And how do we define if a robot is female or male? And if they do something against the bible, is it sin, even though they are a machine and not a human? Is there such thing as robot hell?

These are all questions answered in the Bible V2.0 for robots. Repent! For the rust is near! :D

Instead of noah's arch, it's R24D36V32LX's lead electromagnetic shield, and instead of a flood, it's a giant electro magnetic pulse killing all robots on Earth. :D

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Will evil killer robots take over the world?

Post by Bookworm »

Red Squirrel wrote: Is there such thing as robot hell?
Yes, it's called Red's workroom. "No, don't send me there! Aarrghh!"

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Will evil killer robots take over the world?

Post by Red Squirrel »

I am the devil of robots. Muhahahaha! Now, if I increase the voltage here... and connect this here...

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Will evil killer robots take over the world?

Post by Andy »

Red Squirrel wrote: Because it's happening today...  Most robots don't exactly have the AI we see in movies like I,Robot (I just seen that now and it made me think  :D ) but most robots DO have an AI.  Look at the robots that do the log categorization in mills. They are capable of detecting each log going by at incredible speeds and give it a number from 1 to 3 on the wood quality.  This is artificial intelligence, and if it goes wrong, it can do very bad, such as directing the logs at the wrong place, such as in a path to destruct people.

Most robots that have AI are designed for a single purpose, but there are segments of code that could be buggy (especially if people like M$ programmers decide to give it a shot and design a robot OS) and this will make it so they have secrets, secrets that will redefine their sole purpose, and make their purpose, to kill.  *scary music*

So what do you think?  :D
I think you are right. Look at your Computers now a days. If it had arms and legs it would do things. I mean look at the way everyone's computer acts differently for that user. It works the best for that user that always uses it. :D

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Will evil killer robots take over the world?

Post by FloodG8-9595 »

I'm Sam Waterston, of the popular TV series "Law & Order". As a senior citizen, you're probably aware of the threat robots pose. Robots are everywhere, and they eat old people's medicine for fuel. Well, now there's a company that offers coverage against the unfortunate event of robot attack, with Old Glory Insurance. Old Glory will cover you with no health check-up or age consideration. You need to feel safe. And that's harder and harder to do nowadays, because robots may strike at any time. And when they grab you with those metal claws, you can't break free.. because they're made of metal, and robots are strong. Now, for only $4 a month, you can achieve peace of mind in a world full of grime and robots, with Old Glory Insurance. So, don't cower under your afghan any longer. Make a choice. [ Old Glory Insurance. For when the metal ones decide to come for you - and they will. - Sam Waterson (SNL skit)

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Jex Bane
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Will evil killer robots take over the world?

Post by Jex Bane »

The air is dark and gray; Dampness fills the atmosphere. Above, the moon shows through a curtain of dark clouds. Trees, dark, tall, foreboding, bend towards the spectacle beneath them, ever waiting patiently for what is to come. The twigs snap, louder, and still louder, leaves crunching, the underbrush moving with each touch, and the tread of two feet, the patter begins to draw near.
Past the black trees and over the rotten log, the boy continues to run down his path, the path of destruction, his mind has gone mad with hate and anger, driven to do the unthinkable. Nothing will get in his way now. No shoes. No shirt, only torn and tattered shorts covered his body, blood trickling from his torso and his face. His bare feet are covered in a mixture of dirt and blood, halfway dried. Lights beam from above, and voices sound, making no coherent phrase, only noise, droning noise that drives the boy even closer to his edge of madness. The light fliers swiftly dive in and out of the trees, pricking the boy with their probing razors, making him bleed even more. We all know NO ONE escapes, he cant’ escape, he wont, what was he thinking, does he know something the light flyers don’t, he can’t. No one does, he must have a suicide wish, and he doesn’t like this world anymore, but its perfect. No murder no crime, and everyone is treated equally. Nothing is taken for granted; there are no jails, no jobs, what could possibly be so wrong someone would want to commit suicide? Suicide is preposterous, it’s unheard of. Cease this now boy; please hear me, I beg of you. You can’t hear me though, it’s too late, the light flyers job will be done soon, and they’ll go back to their charging bay.
Small limbs cracked as they came in contact with his face, cutting it even more, creating more blood, more pain. Breath began to come at cost, his lungs were on fire, and the seekers continued to whir behind him. Head throbbing, no thoughts, only blank instincts. He darted left and right avoiding larger trees, and in the middle of one of these maneuvers, he saw an overhanging stone, with a muddy creek beneath it. Perfect.. He quickly darted underneath the stone and began to cover his body with the mud. It stank of sewage and death. The smell of corpses been dead for days, and the smell of old sewage dumped from the windows of houses. Stink, was better then death, pain and torture. Luckily it had been a bleak and overcast day, or he would have had no chance of escape, and now, his chances of surviving had just jumped up 30.7%, the seekers, light flyers whirred on by, then stopped, they had lost their pray. The noises grew louder, they were upset, annoyed, almost defining the sound was now. The limbs of trees shook, and the ground rattled. It stopped, the light flyers flew above the trees and left in a sonicboom of speed.

see, its happening :rolleyes:

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Will evil killer robots take over the world?

Post by Bookworm »

YOU CAN'T STOP THERE! What happens to the boy?

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Will evil killer robots take over the world?

Post by Jex Bane »

Bookworm wrote: YOU CAN'T STOP THERE! What happens to the boy?
to be continued...

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Will evil killer robots take over the world?

Post by whinto98 »

no matter what i think the world will end like this

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i wish i could do that