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i'm bored with my music and i need to download/buy some other sounds but not sure what. Can anyone suggest anything as long as it isnt country/heavy metal/manufactured girl/boy bands.
thank you
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:976, old post ID:11516
What type of music do you like sweetness? (examples?) I doubt I can help much, my musical taste are probably quite different from yours, but hey, who knows!
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:976, old post ID:11814
I second the Aphex Twin suggestion. He's kinda touch and go though. You might not like all his stuff. The Richard D. James album is a good start if you can find it. I've also started listening to this band called The Killers lately. They're from Las Vegas and pretty good. I've only downloaded about 6 or 7 songs by them, but they're all quite good.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:976, old post ID:12056
Hmmm, looking at my old list, I still like those bands but I don't listen to most of them much any more. An updated list:
Distorted Memory (religion-themed harsh-EBM/industrial. musically AND lyrically genius)
Grendel (harsh-EBM with only a touch of the harsh lyrics. like the cyberpunk themes of some songs)
Halou (I think I will always like listening to their stuff. low-mid tempo electronic dreampop with a smidgeon of industrial)
Combichrist (some classic aggrotech industrial that is extremely danceable)
Sophe Lux (indie band from Portland... really interesting stuff, intellectual lyrics without being very pretentious)
Qntal (medieval/electronica fusion)
Angelspit (few songs are as blastable while driving as "Wolf")
DJ Doboy
GT vs. Project C (these guys and DJ Doboy tend to have nice vocal trance mixes)
The Dreamside (Belgian/Dutch rock band)
Psyclon Nine (heavy harsh-EBM. Good stuff)
Philip Glass (no vocals, just minimalistic repetition... good music for driving when you're having an introspective/reflective mood)
VNV Nation (the less-harsh end of the industrial spectrum. Good song-writing and music)
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:976, old post ID:68681