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manadren wrote: though I suppose I can't assume that one could use the context of the conversation to decide which.
If this is sarcasm, then I call this:
manadren wrote: Yeah, I was a little foggy on the windows thing. "NMR members have been seen using windows!" How many people touch a computer and haven't used windows before?
Irony! Ah context, it's great to use it, but only when you want to apparently!
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:914, old post ID:10158
manadren wrote: yeah, you seem pretty adept at ignoring it yourself in order to make some pitiful attempt at irony.
Not very good with sarcasm either huh.... Your context should have been taken from WW's context, I was clearly insulting your post for not even trying to pretent like you understood the joke, just acting instead like there was no joke. But fine, I'm done.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:914, old post ID:10172