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i feel worthless

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:40 pm
by upload420
I know this probaly isn't the place to go asking for help but at least someone might listen and thats all i want is someone to hear me out.. I have been feeling a little lonly and depressed latly. I have managed to lose most of my friends because they started hanging around my enemies and now they all look down on me. The friends i do have i can of think they only talk to me because they once told me they would never leave me and now there stuck dealing with me. Everytime i almost get a good girlfriend there parents end up getting them to believe i am a peice of crap. I am kind of sick of being treated like this i mean i really a loving caring person when you give me a chance but everyone just quickly judges me as crap and throws me aside. here read this conversation i had with someone online then you might understand more of what i am saying it is kind of long but if you take the time you will understand why i feel so sad.

i am seanforste420

blink182roxer33: seanforste420: HEY
blink182roxer33: hey
seanforste420: SO WHATS UP
blink182roxer33: n2m
seanforste420: yeah i have been sleeping all day
blink182roxer33: thats funn
seanforste420: yeah i have been sick
blink182roxer33: aww im sorrry
seanforste420: well i am starting to feel better
blink182roxer33: kool
seanforste420: so are you ever going to hang out with me or what
blink182roxer33: blink182roxer33: lol im not sure
blink182roxer33: i would but not sure if im allowed too...bc yeah...
seanforste420: because of your parents
blink182roxer33: yeah bc well stefffan would also tell them...
seanforste420: why
seanforste420: he doesn't want you hanging out iwith me
blink182roxer33: blink182roxer33: well he doesnt think its the best idea...
seanforste420: why is that
blink182roxer33: bc well umm idk
seanforste420: ok well tha kind of sucks that i can't ever hang out with you but at least i can talk to you i guess
blink182roxer33: yeah true
seanforste420: tell me this will you hang out iwth me when your 18
blink182roxer33: umm maybe
blink182roxer33: seanforste420: cool i guess i have something to look forward to if i am lucky enough i guess i won't bother you with this anymore though
blink182roxer33: aw ok your not bothering but yeah
seanforste420: i didn't mean it like i was bothering you it just kind of makes me feel bad that no one wants me to hang out with you or be your friend
seanforste420: am i considered bad or something
blink182roxer33: umm yeah..sorry
seanforste420: why am i considered bad though do you really think i am that bad i don't do anything that steffen doesn't do and i don't get into anymore trouble
seanforste420: i don't even smoke pot anymore
blink182roxer33: oh ok thts a good thing
seanforste420: do you think i am a bad person though
blink182roxer33: blink182roxer33: not really
blink182roxer33: i guess
seanforste420: you can tell me if you do cause i will understand
blink182roxer33: i noe tht
seanforste420: i mean even you know how i am there for the ones i care about no matter what and isn't that whats impoetant when it comes to friends i mean when everyone else wasn't there for you i was wasn't i and you know i would go out of my way to help you and all my friends
blink182roxer33: blink182roxer33: oh i noe im jst sayin like im not tryin to be mean or anything i was just sorry
seanforste420: no i understand i know it isn't you that looks down on me well at least i hope you don't
blink182roxer33: yeah
seanforste420: i don't want to talk about it anymore it makes me feel really crappy that people feel this way about me makes me feel like i don't have a place in the world
blink182roxer33: aww ok lets not tlak about it
seanforste420: just promise not to stop talking to me cause you said you wouldn't ever do that to me that would totally make me feel like crap if you did
blink182roxer33: blink182roxer33: ok
seanforste420: i guess i will stop talking to you for awhile untill everyone forgets about us being friends and untill i can prove myself to be a good person to everyone and don't worry i am not just doing that for you but just because i am really sick of everyon looking at me like a piece of crap because i know i am not a peice of crap but it very easy to believen yourself when everyone calls you out to be one
blink182roxer33: aww well im sorry
blink182roxer33: seanforste420: don't be just forget about it and don't ever judge people like that because if u happen to misjudge someone you may loss them and they very well could be a very important part of your life very well could be the person that is going to be there to get you out of a mess or anything else that could hurt you
seanforste420: all this does make me want to cry though
seanforste420: i can't help but to admitt that
blink182roxer33: aww i feel extrmly bad now
blink182roxer33: seanforste420: don't be just forget about it and don't ever judge people like that because if u happen to misjudge someone you may loss them and they very well could be a very important part of your life very well could be the person that is going to be there to get you out of a mess or anything else that could hurt you
seanforste420: all this does make me want to cry though
seanforste420: i can't help but to admitt that
blink182roxer33: aww i feel extrmly bad now
blink182roxer33: seanforste420: why it isn't your fault or your probalem
blink182roxer33: well im sitll feeling bad about all this
seanforste420: well see this isn't all about just you i have lost alot of good friends and people i love because everyone thinks i am a peice of crap but no one really sees the loving caring side of me they all just throw me aside and could care less how it makes me feel they think i am a demon or something but no i am a person and i do have a heart and i can cry
blink182roxer33: yeah i know
blink182roxer33: blink182roxer33: yeah i know
seanforste420: i mean you may not want ot hear this but i can't help feel this way but sometimes i think it wouldn't matter if i were here or if i was gone i mean there isn't anyone i know that makes me feel needed and the more i think about it would very many people even notice or care if i did disappear
blink182roxer33: yeah people would care they may not seem like they would now but trust me people would even if they treat you like crap they still care about you sumwhat
blink182roxer33: seanforste420: really then tell me one person you know that really cares and to somewhat care that doesn't mean very much think of it this way you can't somewhat love someone u either do or don't thats how this is
seanforste420: are you gone now

now she tells me i am to hard to talk to and we don't talk to much

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4193, old post ID:34093

i feel worthless

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:10 pm
by manadren_it
First of all I wouldn't discount those friends of you that are still talking to you, they wouldn't be haning around if they didn't want to. Those friends you've lost, you're better off without. And trust me when I say, the older you get, the less of this kind of bullshite you have to deal with. These people, these former freinds, they haven't yet discovered what's really important. I don't know about everyone else, but as I've gotten older, I've always been surprised by how easily people accept me for who I am.

You can't fix everything, and you can't make them all understand. But you can decide how you are going to let this affect you. You can help those who are truly important to you understand you and how you feel. Put your efforts towards those most important to you. And let the rest go screw themselves.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4193, old post ID:34105

i feel worthless

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:17 pm
by upload420
i feel you on your respons but see the friends i still have only come when there is a party or when i have drugs which has become never since i have decided i want to stop that crap. in my opion i think i need to find all new friends and the few say three that come with me can come at there own choice.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4193, old post ID:34110

i feel worthless

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:45 pm
by Red Squirrel
Good to hear you want to get away from drugs, it's the best thing you can do, and I'm sure you'll find new friends that arn't into drugs, and you always have us here. ;)

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4193, old post ID:34111

i feel worthless

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 12:59 pm
by Pyr-O-Rgasm
I know how you feel when you say you're actually a loving person, but everyone just throws you off as an :censored: or something.

And yeah, those who do accept and enjoy you as you are, that you actually care about, stick with them. Those who care about you can usually help you through anything. I have a friend who I love alot because she is ALWAYS there for me, and we NEVER disagree or fight. Anytime I have a problem, be it relationship, family, friends, or if I'm just depressed, she talks and listens, and she makes me feel better. She'll always be there for me and that is the type of relationship I value and appreciate.


Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4193, old post ID:34112