What are .bin files for?

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Red Squirrel
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What are .bin files for?

Post by Red Squirrel »

Manny people wonder what .bin files are for. But really .bin files alone are not for something specific. They are basically general use binary files used in various application. The most 2 popular usages are image burning and video game emulation.


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What are .bin files for?

Post by Red Squirrel »

.ShareReactor? Never heard of that one. You probably need a special program for those, try to stick with iso's and bins since they're more universal. Nero can open .bin files and burn them.

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What are .bin files for?

Post by sintekk »

Red, you dum dum :P, he already has the .bin file :P

For .bin files, make sure you have the corresponding .cue file

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2851, old post ID:23434
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What are .bin files for?

Post by sintekk »

Sharereactor, btw, is a website that distributes EDonkey (and bittorrent?) files.

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What are .bin files for?

Post by Red Squirrel »

Hmmm is this like a word processing document? How big is it?

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What are .bin files for?

Post by sintekk »

You do if you don't have Alcohol 52% (isn't a too complicated program, but it's just simpler to burn a disc)

Follow these instructions here for nero:

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What are .bin files for?

Post by Red Squirrel »

It's probably a CD image, how big is it?

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What are .bin files for?

Post by Red Squirrel »

Hmm it should be at least a few 100MB at least, and usually games will be over 300 so chances are you got a bad download or something.

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What are .bin files for?

Post by sintekk »

Yeah, 1.4 mb is a bit small for a CD-Image :lol:
For highly illegal stuff like this, try looking into BitTorrent: it lets you resume your download and it checks the download to see if it's valid.

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What are .bin files for?

Post by Red Squirrel »

Yeah usually. I've actually seen some bigger then 750MB and you need to use some special measures so it actually fits on a CD.

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What are .bin files for?

Post by sintekk »

Metalgear wrote:
what i do with an iso file type, to start playin a game??
Well, you can either burn it to a disk and then install the game from that, or you can use a program like Alcohol 52% ( http://www.alcohol-soft.com/ ) that can read the the ISO's from your hard drive using a virtual drive.

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What are .bin files for?

Post by Red Squirrel »

Well as long as you don't use easy coaster creator you won't get coasters. :lol:

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What are .bin files for?

Post by Red Squirrel »

I never tried this so I could be wrong, but try this:

In a file that you name with an extension of .cue

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What are .bin files for?

Post by Anonymous »

szweed wrote: i have downloaded a movie and it seems to be a .bin file. What is the best thing to do to see the movie on the computer
I have the .cue too , but i don't get it wat to do

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What are .bin files for?

Post by Red Squirrel »

I don't recall myself burning an image with a bin file but from what I do know, you just need to select the .cue file and if the .bin is in the right path it will burn it from that point on.

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What are .bin files for?

Post by Pyr-O-Rgasm »

Wow, warez are allowed to be discussed here?
The most 2 popular usages are image burning and video game emulation.
Speaking of which, anyone happen to have in their possesion the ROM for the first Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega Genesis? :grade11math:

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What are .bin files for?

Post by Red Squirrel »

^^ that was me. :P

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What are .bin files for?

Post by Pyr-O-Rgasm »

But, might you have Sonic The Hedgehog... I want it so badly. I have Sonic 2 and Sonic and Knuckles. :monkeyfight:

You put more smileys in, didn't you? :|)

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What are .bin files for?

Post by Red Squirrel »

Sorry don't have that. Actually I have not put in any smilies in long. I should start again, my goal was to reach 1000.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2851, old post ID:25325
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What are .bin files for?

Post by Pyr-O-Rgasm »

Well, no problem I just found the original Sonic today.

Man, I was playing 2 and I got extremely far.

I could help you reach 1000 smilies. I have a few I created, I could make some. Maybe a smaller version of the RIAA bomber? :)

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What are .bin files for?

Post by manadren_it »

It's not exactly good form to be asking for roms openly in a forum like that... that's what pms are for :P

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What are .bin files for?

Post by Red Squirrel »

Especially because it apears directly on the article itself. :lol: But wether they are legal or not I don't know about, and don't want to know. :P

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What are .bin files for?

Post by manadren_it »

roms are somewhat of a legal gray area. I think it is legal under fair use to have roms of cartsmachines that you already own. That is unless some company wants to go around calling a dumper a circumvention device.

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What are .bin files for?

Post by Death »

It is legal to own a rom if you own the cartridge or game. If you do not own the game, you can still legally download the rom and play it, but it must be deleted within 24 hours of use. Otherwise, it is illegal. However, makes you kind of wonder why somebody would want to play a game they already have? I mean, it's nice to go back and play a game, but you know people are going to go for the games they DON'T have. :evilsmile:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2851, old post ID:25365
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What are .bin files for?

Post by manadren_it »

Tehre's plenty of reasons why you'd want a rom of a game you already have. Because for one thing, carts do eventually wear out, as do systems. Then there's always the trouble of draging out a system and hooking it up when you no doubt already have one or two hooked up to your tv already. Then there's collectors who want to play games, but keep the carts and equipment in pristine condition.

And I'm not sure about the 24 hour thing. Alot of websites put that up saying it's for legal for testing or educational purposes, but I haven't ever really seen where that come into copyright law. Backup copies are clearly part of the fair use exclusion, but I'm not quite as sure about the 24 hour thing. It could be in there though.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2851, old post ID:25368
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