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VBA Forms Problem

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 6:51 am
by Electric Ant
Any help gratefully received.... I'm not a programmer but the people I work with think I am the IT guru which is quite scary. I must fake it really well.

OK don't laugh at's VBA.....What I've got is an Excel spreadsheet. A MultiPage Form pops up to get the user to fill in some data. On each page there's a ? button which pops up another multipage containing help for each page because I'm nice like that. When you've finished with the help, click the close button to carry on filling in the original MultiPage Form.

This works absolutely fine for most users except on two laptops. When they Close the help MultiPage they get kicked back to the start of the first page of the Main MultiPage and everthing they put in is wiped out. I've got a bit of code that resets everything on the UserForm_Activate event to make sure when people first open the form they start at the beginning and work their way through but I don't understand why for two people the main form gets reactivated when they close help. I got their machine and stepped through the code and it worked fine, but doesn't in run time....

We should all have the same set up on our laptops so not sure why just these two. If it was just one I would think it was the them...

I'm not doing anything ninja as people scare easily......

In the MainForm Code I have for each page......

Private Sub pg2CommandButton_help_Click()
helppagenumber% = 0
End Sub

In the HelpForm I have.........

Private Sub pg5CommandButton_helpclose_Click()
End Sub


Sub helpclose()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Unload HelpForm
End Sub


I'd like to know why it doesn't work even if it is just these people because their set up is causing it....No idea where to look. Tried an online search but can't find anything helpful.

Please help!!

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2243, old post ID:19073

VBA Forms Problem

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 6:32 pm
by Red Squirrel
lol I sort of feel bad lot of people are posting programming questions but none of us know lot of languages. I know a bit of C++ and more php only. Hopefully someone around here knows VB...

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2243, old post ID:19092

VBA Forms Problem

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 9:23 pm
by Fat Cat
Your syntax looks fine to me.

When closing the Help Form in the helpclose subroutine, you should automatically go back to the same Excel sheet you launched from if you leave out the mysheet.Select command.

This command is normally used to jump to a different sheet inside the Excel workbook. If you don't specify a new sheet location to go to, the flow control should automatically take you back to the sheet and position you launched the HelpForm from and leave any data entered on the sheet intact.

Alternatively use the Visible command rather than select
ie: mysheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible

You could issue a save command before launching the help form to at least preserve the data you have, but this does add a noticable delay while the disk file is written.


Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2243, old post ID:19205

VBA Forms Problem

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:48 am
by Electric Ant
Thanks Fat Cat....

yeah you're right ...I don't think I need the as you just view the help pages so the active worksheet shouldn't change....laziness on my part as I just nicked code from somewhere else in the prog....

I'm still completely baffled why some users get kicked back to the start....I'm wondering if it is the unload command???

and Red...don't feel bad, I don't know much VB either. :dosgonebad: I just fiddle and hope for the best...

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2243, old post ID:19206

VBA Forms Problem

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 11:33 pm
by Fat Cat
where I come from VB is a cold fizzy beer so perhaps I know more than I think (although thinking normally ceases after a few).

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2243, old post ID:19221