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Linux trick & tips thread

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 8:29 pm
by Red Squirrel
I was going to do this for myself but figured I'd put it here as it may help others who are new to linux because it is a VERY difficult operating system. It hit me like a pile of bricks when I tried it the first time since I heard of it being hard but was not expecting that much. So basically if anyone wants to add to these go nuts.

Here's a few:

To make a program startup automaticly at boot time (before you even log in) edit this file:


Simply add what you want to run, for example:
/data/appz/f@h/main.exe >>/data/logs/f@h.log &
The >>/data/logs/f@h.log part simply makes it output to a file instead of the console, and the & makes it do it in the background and not in the console. If you omit that part the program will take over your console and you won't be able to do anything until you CTRL+C out of it.


To change your hostname you need samba, edit the main samba configuration file which is /etc/samba/smb.conf.

Add this line:

netbios name = yourchoice where yourchoice is whatever you want to call it.


To add a samba share (that works easily without rejecting any passwords) do the following:

- look for security = user and change it to security = share

then this is a typical share:

path = /data/shared
comment = Main share
browseable = yes
writable = yes
create mode = 777
directory mode = 777
guest ok = yes

This is assuming you're the only person using the network, or that you are on a trusted network (ex: a home network). There are better and more secure ways to do shares that work, but it is harder and I did not figure it out yet. ;)

These are a few commands with the DOS equivalent:

(Linux | DOS)
vim | edit
cd | cd
mkdir | md
mv | rename
rm | delete / deltree
dir | dir

I'm sure I missed lots but these are the ones I use the most often.


(more to come)

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2126, old post ID:18117

Linux trick & tips thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 1:47 am
by Master of Puppets_it
This doesn't have anything to do with those relative commands, but it is something I learned while using Linux, for I'm pretty damn new at it also. If you want to enable the ide-scsi driver for your cd burner, and are using a grub boot loader, go to /boot/grub/menu.lst, and put the name of your device, i.e. hdc, equal to ide-scsi. Heres what the line I modded of my menu.lst file looks like:

title Linux
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3 vga=0x31a hdc=ide-scsi splash=silent desktop showopts

Of course, before this I changed options in the kernel and recompiled it. I'm not for sure if I could have just modded that line without that, but o well. Anyway, maybe this will help someone.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2126, old post ID:18121