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Monstrous Interred Grizzle Quest (Cohenn the lib. [complete]

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:29 pm
by Red Squirrel
I'm working on this quest ATM, this is actually my first quest to code using the real quest system, and its going rather smoothly. The quest system is actually nicely laid out, just had to learn how it works first.

Basically you go in bedlam, talk to the quest giver, go gather the theisis notes (you can actually do this part first, wont matter) then go back with all 5, she gives you a key, then you drop the key on a table (to simplify things, I'll just make it that you double click, like with the chief paroxysmus cauldron and statue of the fey) then you receive the actual peerless key. Actually quite simple. Melissande will be even simpler now that I know how to impliment the quest system a bit, so I'll work on that one next.

I just put static text for now, but I'll eventually try to find the clilocs, so our non english memberbase can also understand the quests easily as it will use client text IDs rather then static text.

So in the next few days interred grizzle and melissande should be in. From that point we'll only be missing effusion and travesty. Those will be more involved as the dungeons are more complex to setup, I'll probably need to get an OSI account for that.

All bosses need some work, such as special abilities, but I'll worry about those things once all the peerless are in. Most of their stats are probably wrong too.

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