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Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 1:20 am
by Anonymous
I'm Matt and am VERY good with turing, but I hve a couple problems/questions. I have been working with turing for about a year so i don't know everything it can do. I am currently working on a school project and i wanted(for extra marks) to be able to make teh run window a weird shape, or fit around a picture or shape i desire. I don't know if that is possible, or how to do it. Basically I want to make the run window any weird, crazy dumb shape i want. Also I was wondering how you would make round buttons, and stil lbe able to put a picture on them. Anyway thanks, and hope you can help me.....

M@ B) :banana: (banana's are cool lol)

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1831, old post ID:15185


Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 9:27 am
by Red Squirrel
Not sure if that's possible in turing but there's someone who occasionaly posts here who knows more then me about it so hopefully he can help you. ;)

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1831, old post ID:15191


Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 8:37 am
by syb
UUHhh..... thats a hard one. I don't know how to do that. It sounds to me like your 10 times better them me. I haven't been working in turing long soi can't help you that much but i did find som stuff.

% ButtonClass - Class that implements buttons much as they appear in
% MS Windows 3.1
% The external interface of ButtonClass is as follows:
% procedure Show - Display the widget.
% procedure Hide - Hide the widget.
% procedure Dispose - Hide the widget and free any data structures allocated
% by the class. To be called before the Widget is freed.
% procedure SetPosition (x, y : int) - Move the widget to (x, y).
% procedure SetSize (width, height : int) - Resize the widget.
% procedure SetPositionAndSize (x, y, width, height : int) - Move and resize
% the widget.
% procedure Enable - Enable (activate) the widget.
% procedure Disable - Disable (deactivate) the widget.
% procedure SetLabel (label : string) - Set the widget's label.
% procedure Initialize (x, y, width : int, label : string,
% actionProc : procedure x ())
% x, y - The lower left corner of the button.
% width - The minimum width of the button.
% label - The text to appear in the button
% actionProc - The procedure to be called when the
% button is pressed.
% Initialize the button.
% procedure InitializeFull (x, y, height, width : int, label : string,
% shortCut : char, default : boolean,
% actionProc : procedure x ())
% x, y - The lower left corner of the button.
% height - The minimum height of the button.
% width - The minimum width of the button.
% label - The text to appear in the button
% shortCut - The keystroke to use as the short cut.
% Use '' if no short cut wanted.
% default - Whether the button should be the default
% button or not.
% actionProc - The procedure to be called when the
% button is pressed.
% Initialize the button.
% procedurre SetDefault (isDefault : boolean)
% isDefault - Whether to set the button to default or
% not.
% function ConsiderButtonDown (x, y : int) : boolean
% x, y - The location of of the mouse when the button
% was pressed.
% Handle the mouse button being pressed. If it occured
% in the widget, handle the event. Return true if the
% event is handled by this function. Return false
% otherwise. If the widget was pressed, call the
% actionProc for this widget.
% function ConsiderKeystroke (key : char) : boolean
% key - The key pressed.
% Handle a keystroke. If the keystroke is the
% shortcut for the widget (or the user pressed ENTER and
% this is the default widget), the actionProc for the
% widget is called and the function returns true,
% otherwise it returns false.
% The inheritable subprograms of ButtonClass are as follows:
% procedure AssertFailed (msg : string) - Quit program with error message.
% procedure DrawDisabledLabel (clr, bgColour : int) - Draw the disabled
% label in the specified
% colour.
% procedure DrawLabel (clr : int) - Draw the label in the specified colour.
% procedure DrawPressedBorder - Draws a pressed raised button border.
% procedure DrawUnpressedBorder - Draws a raised button border.
% procedure ActionProc - The action to occur when button pressed.
% procedure DrawPressedButton - Draws a pressed button.
% procedure DrawUnpressedButton - Draws a unpressed button.
% procedure DrawWidget - Draw the widget.
% procedure EraseWidget - Erase the widget.
% The inheritable variables of ButtonClass are as follows:
% originalX, originalY - The x, y values specified by the user.
% originalWidth, originalHeight - The width, height values specified by the
% user.
% x, y - The location of the lower left corner of the widget.
% width, height - The width and height of the widget.
% showing - Is the widget visible.
% initialized - Has the widget been initialized.
% drawn - The widget has been drawn at least once. Used to calculate the
% position for drawing.
% window - The window the widget is in.
% enabled - Is the widget enabled (activated).
% labelWidth, labelHeight - The width and height of the text in the button.
% labelTotalHeight - The maximum height of a letter.
% labelDescent - The descent of the label.
% labelText - The actual text of the label.
% labelX, labelY - Position to draw the label, w.r.t. x, y
% actionProc - The procedure to call when the button is pushed.
% shortCutChar - The keystroke shortcut to press the button.
% default - Is this the default button.
% The inheritable constants of ButtonClass are as follows:
% buttonColor - The colour of the top of a raised button.
% illuminatedColor - The color of the hilight on the raised button.
% riserSize - The size in pixels of the border on a raised button.
% labelFontID - The font ID number for the label.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1831, old post ID:15215