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Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 1:20 am
by Anonymous
I'm Matt and am VERY good with turing, but I hve a couple problems/questions. I have been working with turing for about a year so i don't know everything it can do. I am currently working on a school project and i wanted(for extra marks) to be able to make teh run window a weird shape, or fit around a picture or shape i desire. I don't know if that is possible, or how to do it. Basically I want to make the run window any weird, crazy dumb shape i want. Also I was wondering how you would make round buttons, and stil lbe able to put a picture on them. Anyway thanks, and hope you can help me.....
(banana's are cool lol)
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1831, old post ID:15185
Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 9:27 am
by Red Squirrel
Not sure if that's possible in turing but there's someone who occasionaly posts here who knows more then me about it so hopefully he can help you.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1831, old post ID:15191
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 8:37 am
by syb
UUHhh..... thats a hard one. I don't know how to do that. It sounds to me like your 10 times better them me. I haven't been working in turing long soi can't help you that much but i did find som stuff.
% ButtonClass - Class that implements buttons much as they appear in
% MS Windows 3.1
% The external interface of ButtonClass is as follows:
% procedure Show - Display the widget.
% procedure Hide - Hide the widget.
% procedure Dispose - Hide the widget and free any data structures allocated
% by the class. To be called before the Widget is freed.
% procedure SetPosition (x, y : int) - Move the widget to (x, y).
% procedure SetSize (width, height : int) - Resize the widget.
% procedure SetPositionAndSize (x, y, width, height : int) - Move and resize
% the widget.
% procedure Enable - Enable (activate) the widget.
% procedure Disable - Disable (deactivate) the widget.
% procedure SetLabel (label : string) - Set the widget's label.
% procedure Initialize (x, y, width : int, label : string,
% actionProc : procedure x ())
% x, y - The lower left corner of the button.
% width - The minimum width of the button.
% label - The text to appear in the button
% actionProc - The procedure to be called when the
% button is pressed.
% Initialize the button.
% procedure InitializeFull (x, y, height, width : int, label : string,
% shortCut : char, default : boolean,
% actionProc : procedure x ())
% x, y - The lower left corner of the button.
% height - The minimum height of the button.
% width - The minimum width of the button.
% label - The text to appear in the button
% shortCut - The keystroke to use as the short cut.
% Use '' if no short cut wanted.
% default - Whether the button should be the default
% button or not.
% actionProc - The procedure to be called when the
% button is pressed.
% Initialize the button.
% procedurre SetDefault (isDefault : boolean)
% isDefault - Whether to set the button to default or
% not.
% function ConsiderButtonDown (x, y : int) : boolean
% x, y - The location of of the mouse when the button
% was pressed.
% Handle the mouse button being pressed. If it occured
% in the widget, handle the event. Return true if the
% event is handled by this function. Return false
% otherwise. If the widget was pressed, call the
% actionProc for this widget.
% function ConsiderKeystroke (key : char) : boolean
% key - The key pressed.
% Handle a keystroke. If the keystroke is the
% shortcut for the widget (or the user pressed ENTER and
% this is the default widget), the actionProc for the
% widget is called and the function returns true,
% otherwise it returns false.
% The inheritable subprograms of ButtonClass are as follows:
% procedure AssertFailed (msg : string) - Quit program with error message.
% procedure DrawDisabledLabel (clr, bgColour : int) - Draw the disabled
% label in the specified
% colour.
% procedure DrawLabel (clr : int) - Draw the label in the specified colour.
% procedure DrawPressedBorder - Draws a pressed raised button border.
% procedure DrawUnpressedBorder - Draws a raised button border.
% procedure ActionProc - The action to occur when button pressed.
% procedure DrawPressedButton - Draws a pressed button.
% procedure DrawUnpressedButton - Draws a unpressed button.
% procedure DrawWidget - Draw the widget.
% procedure EraseWidget - Erase the widget.
% The inheritable variables of ButtonClass are as follows:
% originalX, originalY - The x, y values specified by the user.
% originalWidth, originalHeight - The width, height values specified by the
% user.
% x, y - The location of the lower left corner of the widget.
% width, height - The width and height of the widget.
% showing - Is the widget visible.
% initialized - Has the widget been initialized.
% drawn - The widget has been drawn at least once. Used to calculate the
% position for drawing.
% window - The window the widget is in.
% enabled - Is the widget enabled (activated).
% labelWidth, labelHeight - The width and height of the text in the button.
% labelTotalHeight - The maximum height of a letter.
% labelDescent - The descent of the label.
% labelText - The actual text of the label.
% labelX, labelY - Position to draw the label, w.r.t. x, y
% actionProc - The procedure to call when the button is pushed.
% shortCutChar - The keystroke shortcut to press the button.
% default - Is this the default button.
% The inheritable constants of ButtonClass are as follows:
% buttonColor - The colour of the top of a raised button.
% illuminatedColor - The color of the hilight on the raised button.
% riserSize - The size in pixels of the border on a raised button.
% labelFontID - The font ID number for the label.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1831, old post ID:15215