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Review- Thermal Take Volcano Cpu Fan
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 12:06 am
by Red Squirrel
Get rid of the cheap stock fan before it gets rid of your CPU! This is a review on the Socket A Thermal Take Volcano fan to keep that hot AMD cool!
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:992, old post ID:8671
Review- Thermal Take Volcano Cpu Fan
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 12:28 am
by Red Squirrel
(originally posted with the old php feedback form)
March 16, 2003, 8:18:12 pm
you did good on that not forgeting the thermal paste like most do. how ever if you even turn the amd on with out the fan it will not last more the half a sec, if overclocked it is very temp.. sensetive. if your on winXp it has a cpu cooler built in to the os. not sure if win2000 does or not. but it is a good idea also to get a mother borad monitor that will work with amd's and launch a program if you want it too. then go and find a cpu software cooler that will work with amd's there are some free ones. and use the Mb,monitor to launch the software cooler at a certian temp, and cool it to a certian temp and then shut the cooling software down. that will help with the fan. if you want to add more case fans you best make sure you it will not hurt your ps. as i mentioned in a post in the fourm along time ago. you can get the case too cold and the power supply will shut the power supply fan off. which is a bad thing cause then it will fry the ps. mine has done that several times until i found what was going on, there was no mention of the ps switch for the ps fan, so i had to find it on my own. only cost me the price of 2 400 watt power supplys. then i found out what was going on.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:992, old post ID:8691