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Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 6:24 pm
by Red Squirrel
:evilsmile: :evilsmile: :evilsmile: :dosgonebad: :bill gates:

:umbrella: Heated discussions!

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:1993

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 9:10 pm
by Chris Vogel
How hard is this, honestly?

If I could get on the internet with Redhat, I would use it all the time.

With enough RAM, Windows Xp is a GREAT os......

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:2004

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 11:06 pm
by Wren
I'll stay with Windows, I'm too old to try and learn another OS!

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:2016

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2003 3:32 am
by Jshade7111
I didn't vote. I feel I can't give an honest answer because I have never had the opportunity to use Linux. I have used windows for soooo long it's not funny!! My first version I had was WIN 3.11...Anyone remember that?? Dang, I remember using DOS 6.2!!! Anyway, back to Linux. I wouldn't mind attempting to use it. I go to a few other forums, and it seems they all have a sub on them FOR Linux. I know that more and more PC's are coming out with this Lindows(?) system, and I have seen them at 1.2G 40G HDD, and your good old 256M RAM, and integrated sound/video (which can be an affordable, as well as, easy upgrade) for $325....The catch...the Lindows OS....Most response is more on the windows side right now, but I have seen Linux come up from a OS that a lot of people would snicker at and think it'll never catch one that more and more people using it saying it's a lot more stable than Windows, and has a lot more to it...I'd try it....I just need more help with it, and to do some more homework on it....

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:2039

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2003 11:44 am
by Red Squirrel
Actually that's the problem with other OSes, windows is standard, so all your favorite programs like photo shop, autoCAD, Msoffice won't work. So if your school or work uses Msoffice, you need Windows to do work at home.

Hardware... same thing.

If it was not for the standard issue, I'd probably put Red Hat on this PC. :banana:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:2041

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2003 3:11 pm
by wldkos
hey jshade, you are correct about the linux thing. It's catching on like the SARS ;). No, but linux will be much more desktop compatible within the next 2-4 years. I am expecting it since I know a ot of people that already use it as their main OS, plus i can use mine for basically anything and run a server off it at the same time! My computer is a 433mhz 192 mb pc66 ram. You know what? It runs fine. Better than fine. Linux manages everything so well and I had no problems with installing besides my own newbiness. I say give it a try, and red, put it on the 486:)

***RED, they make linux that can come on a floppy disk, firewall, kernel, proxy and other things. Don't ask how, but I hear, all you have to do it boot with the floppy and you have some serious security.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:2047

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2003 3:14 pm
by wldkos
also, everyone is so used to MS, because they are on every computer. Gates basically forced MS onto everyone and no one questioned it. I think lindows is a terrible idea though, I think the whole idea behind it is linux kernel and the availabilty of running ms programs. You know how you do this? WINE! and it doesn't even come with the computer! You have to download WINE (which I hear is hard to configure) and then you can use your windows programs. Give the real linux a shot. Try Red Hat 8, and if you like that, move to slack, debian, connectiva or mandrake. BUt remember that what you put in is what you get. I download about 40 pages everynow and then from and just read so i know more and more. I go home, and try what I read, and it works. Give it a shot jshade and red!!!

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:2048

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2003 4:34 pm
by manadren_it
Linux is superior in many ways, but unfortunately windows has all my favorites games, apps, utils, etc. Now whem linux gets proper recognition as a desktop OS and Wine brings good compatibility with windows apps and games, I may make the permanant switch, but as for now, I'm dual booting. Linux is improving all the time... I can't say the same for windows though. With every step forward, there's a dozen steps back.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:2050

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 10:11 pm
by fishyfool
for the last few years i've tried to keep linux running on something,
redhat 8 is my current fav, but redhat nine will be out in the next couple of days HEH HEH HEH!!!
mandrake is good too, but this latest version of redhat found my dsl connection, found my video card, found my promise controller card,
my dvd drive, i was blown away at how good redhat8 really was!!!
i can't wait for redhat 9!!
i had my athlon 1700 with 512megs of ddr and winxp side by side with my celeron 900@1007 with 512megs of sdram and redhat8 both running TSC
and the athlon was just barely our running the celeron. i was shocked to say the least. and appz, there are appz galore for linux. there's star office, which is great, not quite as slick as msoffice xp, but just as functional.
the Gimp (a photo editing app) comes with redhat, and itis toooo slick, i wish i could have it in windows!!! corel is available if you please.
unreal2003 is available, quake is avalable, linux comes with like at least 100
games like cards, and asteroids, minesweeper, tetris, ect!!!
and the topper, it's free.
and tothose who say their too old to learn, i'm over 40.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:2266

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 10:26 pm
by Wren
Well, I'm over 50 and I'm not switching to Linux! :lol:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:2268

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 11:36 pm
by Red Squirrel
Wow redhat really sounds good! I got 8 here but my server was reported when I was in the process of testing it on a 486 to get the hang of it - I never got past installation (error galore) but I think I'll try it on my computer - maybe I can install Wine and use it as my main OS... or dual boot. :banana:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:2273

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 10:50 am
by Chris Vogel
Wren wrote: Well, I'm over 50 and I'm not switching to Linux! :lol:
Anyone can do it. Even the Chinese government! :roflmao2: :roflmao2:

I am about to use Mandrake 9.1! :banana: :banana:

That is, after I download it on DIAL-UP! :eek: :roflmao2: :roflmao2:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:2284

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 12:48 pm
by Red Squirrel
takahita_tsukino wrote: Anyone can do it. Even the Chinese government! :roflmao2: :roflmao2:
Well not the canadian governement :( They don't only use windows, but they use IIS instead of Apache. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Yeah, so what were they saying about not giving out my SSN? I mean, someone can easly grab info just by typing a few lines in the address bar... :roflmao2: Even Microsoft knows Unix/Apache is better!!!

Shame on my governement!!! :no no no:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:2295

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 5:38 pm
by Chris Vogel
Red Squirrel wrote:
Shame on my governement!!! :no no no:

I would love to go to Canada! :P

The government is great and not too chicken to go Metric! :yo:


:banana: :roflmao2: :roflmao2:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:2319

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 5:42 pm
by Red Squirrel
Yeah that's one good thing!!!

SI rules!!![/font]

Everything interconnects.

The governement just is bad in the tech departement, but maybe it's the sys admin's fault. He's too lazy to learn apache. :roflmao2:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:2321

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 10:01 pm
by Chris Vogel
The governement just is bad in the tech departement, but maybe it's the sys admin's fault. He's too lazy to learn apache.
Maybe he is just too busy learning French! :lol:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:2341

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 2:23 am
by manadren_it
fishyfool wrote: the Gimp (a photo editing app) comes with redhat, and itis toooo slick, i wish i could have it in windows!!!

Code: Select all
the gimp for windows :D

don't you just love open source :lol:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:3701

Microsoft Or Linux?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 9:05 am
by katinamarie72
Microsoft here, never tried Linux........ :unsure: ......... :P

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:399, old post ID:3703