Server migration in progress [done]

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Red Squirrel
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Server migration in progress [done]

Post by Red Squirrel »

I've been working on moving all my infrastructure to a new server, including this site.

As I play around with DNS there may be some oddities till things get sorted out.  DNS is mostly functioning on the new server now but I ran into an IP provisioning issue causing me to have to do some temp workarounds.

I accidentally took down all of DNS by accident a few times so you may have noticed a few glitches where your shard may show offline.  These glitches should be minimal.

The actual migration will also cause a bit of a data discrepency glitch (maybe 5-10 minutes of data lost) but should not really be too noticable.

The new poller IP will be so if you happen to have any kind of firewall rules you will want to update that.  For now though, the poller remains at the old IP which is

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Re: Server migration in progress

Post by Red Squirrel »

If you see this, you are on the new server.  As of about 11:55PM ET stats may be delayed as the poller is not yet running on the new server.  It will be added shortly.  The new IP is

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Re: Server migration in progress

Post by Red Squirrel »

Having some issues with the poller, stupid mysql and libpng dependencies and stuff, this could be a while.  Will report back when it's running.

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Red Squirrel
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Re: Server migration in progress

Post by Red Squirrel »

This could be a while...  the nightmare begins, because of dependencies I have no control over changes that they make and well it looks like they changed stuff that broke our code.  I may need to completely rewrite the poller.  I was actually working on that already but it was far from ready and I got busy with other stuff.

So unfortunately for now the stats will remain frozen till I can figure this out.  This teaches me to not use dependencies... should have wrote my own sql connector. 

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Red Squirrel
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Re: Server migration in progress [done but with issues]

Post by Red Squirrel »

The migration is complete but the poller issues remain.  This will require a comple rewrite so I can try to bypass all the dependencies that are causing issues.  It was badly written from the get go anyway.  I'll start another thread about it so it shows up more clearly in news as being poller related.

Archived topic from UOG, old topic ID:74, old post ID:199
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