Has this dude been toned down at all like many/most other things were?
If not, could it be?
I popped in there to look around and almost got one hit killed on my best character. I remember it not being THAT difficult the few times we did it in the past. It was Lord Vader then, but I assume it's basically the same with just a different name.
Would like to be able to do it once in awhile because even though we *might* be able to 2 man all the spawns now I don't think we could finish the Harrower with just 2 people. I swear I solo'ed Vader once though, even though it sucked, and I know we've done it with 2, 3, and 4.
Also, on a related note, the pirates on the way in become sith lord corpses when they die.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6855, old post ID:39637
Pirate Lord whatshisname
Pirate Lord whatshisname

I didn't choose the Fel life, the Fel life chose me.
Pirate Lord whatshisname
Lol to the sith lord corpses I clearly missed that part.
Ya, they are mostly reskins with some changes but probably wasn't included in the boss nerf that red did as it's kind of an oddball that doesn't fall under any particular boss system (peerless, champs, etc). I'll take a look at those mobs and see what's up with their stats and abilities.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6855, old post ID:39638
Ya, they are mostly reskins with some changes but probably wasn't included in the boss nerf that red did as it's kind of an oddball that doesn't fall under any particular boss system (peerless, champs, etc). I'll take a look at those mobs and see what's up with their stats and abilities.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6855, old post ID:39638