Greetings AOV!
We are looking for information from players regarding collecting items in game such as artifacts, scrolls, pets, and other items of significant value.
Would you be opposed to being able to obtain certain items through multiple means and templates? Let's use the following examples:
Obtaining a minor artifact such as "Heart of the Lion":
Could potentially be obtained through the following means/templates:
Hunting (Fighter, Archer, Mage, Tamer, Mixed Templates):
- Chance to obtain by killing paragons (currently exists in game)
Rogues (Lockpicking and stealing templates):
- Chance to obtain by looting from monsters, locked chests, etc (hypothetical)
Crafting (Smithing, Tailoring, Tinkering, Carpentry, Bowcraft, etc templates):
- Can be crafted if you have the required components/rare ingredients as well as high skill (hypothetical)
- Can be obtained as a reward from crafting quests/Bulk Orders (hypothetical)
Gambling/Games of Chance:
- Can be obtained as rewards from gambling, such as roulette or other games of chance (currently in game)
- Can be redeemed by contributing to a collection, such as Britain Library, Vesper Museum, Moonglow Zoo etc (hypothetical)
Trading Posts/Auctions:
- Trading posts could be used to trade in unused goods to trade for better goods. This would be similar in concept to clean up Britannia ... 1-Present)
Please respond with your feedback or any suggestions on different ways of obtaining goods of value (I recommend using heart of the lion as an example).
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6824, old post ID:39505
Player feedback in regards to items of significant value
- Posts: 487
- Joined: Mon May 21, 2007 10:00 pm
Player feedback in regards to items of significant value
I love the idea. This is perfect for a small shard where groups aren't always a possibility for taking on tougher monsters. I do think that the original way should be the "easiest", or most reliable method for getting an item, but secondary methods should be available for people who like to play crafters or who don't like to min-max to get the ideal template and just want to play a more exciting template that may be weaker.
Some items could have a bunch of possible alternatives (marties, ltots, etc) and others could have just one alternative method (Demitel, high end Doom, etc) that requires more time but is easier overall.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6824, old post ID:39506
Some items could have a bunch of possible alternatives (marties, ltots, etc) and others could have just one alternative method (Demitel, high end Doom, etc) that requires more time but is easier overall.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6824, old post ID:39506
Player feedback in regards to items of significant value
Have no problem with items being gathered in their current ways, though I'll admit that a few may be too difficult for most people to acquire.
I'm also totally fine with more things being possible to get through gambling.
Some more things could be craftable, though that might not make sense for everything.
Some other things could possibly drop in multiple systems as well instead of just one system. More stealable or chance of chest lootable items seems good too.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6824, old post ID:39507
I'm also totally fine with more things being possible to get through gambling.
Some more things could be craftable, though that might not make sense for everything.
Some other things could possibly drop in multiple systems as well instead of just one system. More stealable or chance of chest lootable items seems good too.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6824, old post ID:39507

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