But this blows: (even more so because all of the no longer spawning talismans I've lost to house decay)
The killer property range has been changed from 10% - 100% to 1% - 100%. This was changed to keep on par with OSI values. Existing talismans are unaffected and can be kept as rares.
- The protection property range has been changed from 1% - 100% to 1% - 60%. This was changed to keep on par with OSI values and to incorporate all monsters (including bosses) while providing a protection bonus that's within reason. Existing talismans are unaffected and can be kept as rares.
OSI's version of UO sucks compared to Valor and I just don't get making something crappier when it used to be cool because now it's "on par with OSI".
On par with a big stinky turd. Huzzah.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6816, old post ID:39482