Fifteen new prizes have been added to this year's blossom collection!
Head to the town of Zento on the Tokuno Islands to take part in the festival and to check out the new rewards from the blossom collection. You will have up to May 31st to collect blossoms before they are turned off until next year. You will still be able to claim prizes from the blossom collection after May 31st.
10 Points
- Year of the Rooster 2017 statue (Year of the Monkey 2016 is no longer available)

25 Points
New Origami
- Origami Prism Star
- Origami Jade Lotus
- Origami Black Lotus
- Origami Dark Lotus

Decorative Plants (Can change appearance by turning with interior decorator)
- Decorative Bamboo
- Decorative Yucca

50 Points
Tokuno Costumes
- Kaze Kemono Costume
- Rai-Ju Costume
- Yomotsu Elder Costume
- Yamandon Costume

75 Points
Blossoming Bonsai (Can change appearance by turning with interior decorator)
- Peach Bonsai (Gives +10 Stamina Petals every 4 hours)
- Magnolia Bonsai (Gives +12 Dexterity Petals every 10 hours)
- Plum Bonsai (Gives +12 Strength Petals every 10 hours)
- Cherry Bonsai (Gives +12 Intelligence Petals every 10 hours)

Each bonsai will hold a maximum of 10 petals. Each petal's effect lasts 2.5 minutes once consumed (Except the peach bonsai, which will allow you to instantly use another petal)
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6692, old post ID:38993