Apr 6 2012 - World chat and Easter event

Information on new updates to the shard as well as what's to come
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Red Squirrel
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Apr 6 2012 - World chat and Easter event

Post by Red Squirrel »

* April Fool's day color and mobile/item changing script has been disabled.

* World chat has been implemented. You can type [c or [chat to use it. If you do not specify text you will get a list of options, for now it's on/off. If you turn it off, you will not see the chat. So if someone is annoying you or whatever you can just turn it off. By default, it is turned on.

* ML Named creatures can drop level 6 treasure chests. This is different than OSI in that ALL named creatures have a chance to drop the chest (Player luck attribute increases the base percentage). Another difference is the chest will have the name and color of the beast slain (For example, swoop being purple, the chest will be the same color.)

* Mobiles added for the impending Britain invasion. These will not be spawned until after the Easter event but you may start to notice preparations being made to the area.

* Easter event stuff has been added. A more official update on that to come later.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6444, old post ID:37820
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Apr 6 2012 - World chat and Easter event

Post by Death »


Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6444, old post ID:37822