World Chat

Information on new updates to the shard as well as what's to come
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Red Squirrel
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World Chat

Post by Red Squirrel »

I have been busy with another project but I do plan to start coding for the shard again within the next month or so. The first thing I will work on is the world chat.

I am going to keep it rather simple. There will be a [c command. If you type [c without any text, you'll be able to toggle it on/off. By default it will be on for new characters.

I think this simplified chat will be more user friendly for new users, and will be able to be delivered faster. I can probably code it in a night or two, then test it for a bit.

Just wondering if there's any other features you'd really want to see. Keep in mind that in the future we can always come back and make it better, but we're trying to keep it simple so it can be deployed fast.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6416, old post ID:37695
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Red Squirrel
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World Chat

Post by Red Squirrel »

I'm hoping to start on this within the next couple weeks.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6416, old post ID:37793
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Red Squirrel
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World Chat

Post by Red Squirrel »

This is mostly done, just needs some quick testing and should go in shortly.

With the traffic on the shard, the chat messages wont go very far.... lol

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6416, old post ID:37819
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World Chat

Post by ggkthx »

Since no one bothered to chime in on this I will.
While the current implementation of [c is FAR better than having nothing at all, I sure do miss the old system we had which included other things, like seeing who was online, sending PMs etc. If that's workable again would love to see it back, if not, will make do with what we've got obviously. :)

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6416, old post ID:38058
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World Chat

Post by Death »

ggkthx wrote:Since no one bothered to chime in on this I will.
While the current implementation of [c is FAR better than having nothing at all, I sure do miss the old system we had which included other things, like seeing who was online, sending PMs etc. If that's workable again would love to see it back, if not, will make do with what we've got obviously. :)
When we converted over to the new save system there were some incompatibilities with the chat so red added the [c chat as a quick resolution as the other chat system would need revisions to be compatible with the new save system.

The chat system could certainly use some expansions as it's used quite a bit. OSI also added a public chat/channel chat in the past (You can kind of see it on AOV by typing , but it's not implemented). Who knows, we might make use of utilizing that even but I agree with the ability to pm players and see who's online is quite valuable especially if players want to gather for a champ or boss.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6416, old post ID:38062