Dec 21 2011 - Soulstones and misc fixes

Information on new updates to the shard as well as what's to come
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Red Squirrel
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Dec 21 2011 - Soulstones and misc fixes

Post by Red Squirrel »

* Fixed saving issue with house teleporters

* Fixed issue with soulstone account binding.

* Fixed issue with stealable artifact spawner saving. Note that we will need to manually go around and delete any bad spawns so you may still experience some issues till then. What was happening is they were all respawning at server restart and only the last one was valid as a stealable.

Attempted to fix issue with gaunt but I need to rewrite the spawning system. It is broken beyond repair and it is just easier to rewrite it. I am hoping to fix this within the next month or so. Maybe before. I will be coding a system that is more modular so it can be used in various custom/non custom instances.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6377, old post ID:37517
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Dec 21 2011 - Soulstones and misc fixes

Post by keltrick »

those beetles were starting to annoy the crap out of me :)

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6377, old post ID:37519
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Red Squirrel
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Dec 21 2011 - Soulstones and misc fixes

Post by Red Squirrel »

I just went through all the stealable spawns, and they are now cleared, so any new ones will now be valid and stealable.

A lot of the spawns were not spawned at all, as they were being stolen before a second one spawned on top, so in those cases the spawn will spawn at it's normal interval. It was mostly the lower end stuff that had like 20 of em spawned on top of each other with only one being valid.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6377, old post ID:37522
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!