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Lol. From what I remember OMG was the only guild that managed to successfully raid on Valor without interruption. O wait, you all cried when you got insta-pwned when you raided us and had our templates nerfed......
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5591, old post ID:34888
From what I remember, I maliciously drove OMG off the server, seeting up spy stealther alts outside the few remaining OMG houses to know exactly when they came online, and by the time that Plastic Man even returned there were like 3 members left (see other posts in Guild Forums for screenshots of the last remaining member) I also seem to recall 5 OMG nubs VS me and Tony Montana (and we all know how AWESOME Tony was....) getting raped for a few hours even with one of yall exploiting a glitch to TRY to not suck ass. Scroll through some old forums posts and you will see where Red publicly banned the kid. Even with his exploits he still sucked donkey dick just like the rest of OneManOrgy.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5591, old post ID:34891
Ye, we'd all stopped playing by 2009 I'd started on WoW, which was a huge mistake, the game sucks. And after that the guild became inactive. Mika just likes to talk bollocks, always has done.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5591, old post ID:34900