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This is why I learn to hate this game is people that BRAG about killing someone a repeated amount of times. Must be that they have so much low self esteem that it makes them feel inferior to post something like this. Just plain childish and thats just my opinion! Also do u know this guy u call a kid?
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:4341, old post ID:27946
I gotta go with that this is a pretty petty thread to boast about killing another player. But damn, spelling noob with his body parts.... that shit is hilfuckinglarious!
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:4341, old post ID:28031
My character names are Green Wanker, Red Wanker, Croaker, and Moth! LONG LIVE AoV! DOWN WITH EA!
Yea true, if ya talk the talk then you need to walk the walk.... And if you talk major shit then get killed easy peasy... well you gets what you gets.. Even if it was undeserved the whole body part noob spelling is just plain awsomeness.... LOL
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:4341, old post ID:28139
My character names are Green Wanker, Red Wanker, Croaker, and Moth! LONG LIVE AoV! DOWN WITH EA!
ggkthx wrote:He's not boasting about killing Jeronimo, that would be silly.
This is an art appreciation thread.
Colors of Wanker wrote:Yea true, if ya talk the talk then you need to walk the walk.... And if you talk major shit then get killed easy peasy... well you gets what you gets.. Even if it was undeserved the whole body part noob spelling is just plain awsomeness.... LOL
The Art was a two person effort xD I was spreading out the bodies and displaying the PvP activity outside the fel bucs gate, and he started on a basic pattern. I suggested we do a more complex pattern, he liked the idea and it evolved into a peice of UO art.
He just took the screenies so it was easier for him to post them. xD
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:4341, old post ID:28155
Honestly the last time I really pvped was in 2001 on Great Lakes on osi. I was never that great at it so I never talk smack. I think I ping at like 300-400 now so my connect really sucks for pvp... Back in 2001 I played at my work on evenings and the weekends on their T-1 which at the time was balls fast and when I did kill someone a simple WOOT! was all I ever thru out..... I used a tank mage with a repond kat that I poisoned with my gm poisoner... I had several repond weapons at the time and like a hundred vanq...
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:4341, old post ID:28209
My character names are Green Wanker, Red Wanker, Croaker, and Moth! LONG LIVE AoV! DOWN WITH EA!