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earn a million gp a day

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:08 pm
by onykage
Im looking to purchase massive quantities of resources. If you have a decent lumber jack, or miner, OR, just like roaming around, well, I will pay you to do what you were normally doing.

Items I need and pricing.

10k Spined Leather == 750k
10k Horned Leather == 450k
10k Barbed Leather == 600k
10k Bones == 250k

10k Dull Copper Ingots == 300k
10k Shadow Iron Ingots == 450K
10k Copper Ingots == 600k
10k Bronze Ingots == 750k
10k Gold Ingots == 900k
10k Agapite Ingots == 1.1mil
10k Verite Ingots == 1.2mil
10k Valarite Ingots == 1.4mil

10k Oak Boards == 300k
10k Ash Boards == 450k
10k Yew Boards == 900k
10k Bloodwood Boards 1.3mil
10k Heartwood Boards 1.7mil
10k Frostwood Boards 2.5mil

Please keep quantities to 5k commodity deeds.

I will also buy or trade for

Gargoyle Pick Axes 2.5k ea
Sturdy Pick Axes 1k ea
Reaper Axes 200k ea
Pigments 15k-30k per charge

I do have large quantities of Masterpiece Resources. but please note, due to the constant testing and changing of the masterpiece system, I sell masterpiece resources as follows.

common 100k ea
uncommon 250k ea
rare 750k ea
ultra rare 2mil ea
uber rares 10mil ea

Yes, if its out i have it. Also, I am willing to trade large to very large quantities of masterpiece resources for 160+ point xbow, bow(any kind), claws, dbl bladed staff, or hammer pick.

I also sell all the resources listed for the same price ratio. And for the items not listed,

Colored Granite 100 gp per piece
Sand 1000 gp per piece
40 Fertile Dirt with pot 2500gp ea

I do have some materials that are not listed because yes i could make this post the entire length of the first page with items and pricing. So if you have something for sale, or wish to purchase some resources, just gimme a shout on the server.

PS, I am Ammo, Malice, and if you are one of those people who are hopelessly addicted to gambling at the roulette wheel, I have a proposition for you. I will trade you at minimum 1:1 for the items you are gambling for free spins at the roulette wheel. IE, you trade me the item you were going to gamble for a free spin token or a PS or AOA.

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