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PVM event tonight at 10:30pm ET

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:51 pm
by Red Squirrel
Not sure what it will be yet, but prizes will most likely be in gold, as we've been giving away lot of artys and such now its time to give insurance for all of it. :P

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:2076, old post ID:13467

PVM event tonight at 10:30pm ET

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:31 pm
by Red Squirrel
Event is now ON!

Invisible cat!

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:2076, old post ID:13472

PVM event tonight at 10:30pm ET

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:21 pm
by sliptongue69
Nice. The final boss was the best though. Got wooden steed from it...spun that and got essence of war. xD

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:2076, old post ID:13473

PVM event tonight at 10:30pm ET

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:23 am
by Finlander
We need a eauropean gm to do events for us who live in europe too :cry:

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:2076, old post ID:13480